How To Re-Apply Your Saved Tags In iWeb SEO Tool

February 28th, 2011

When you update your site in iWeb, you will essentially be overwriting the optimizations you made in iWeb SEO Tool. In order to correct this, you must publish your site to a local folder again, and then load it back in iWeb SEO Tool. You must then press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button in order to apply your old tags again, and then publish the site from iWeb SEO Tool.

Video Transcript:

After you optimize your website in iWeb SEO Tool for the first time, you are going to eventually want to update your site in iWeb. When you update your site in iWeb, the optimizations you made in iWeb SEO Tool previously, and the newly updated site in iWeb will be two separate items. This means that if you add a new photo to your site in iWeb for example, you will need to follow these steps in order to have the newly updated site also contain your optimizations made in iWeb SEO Tool.

Simply load your website back in iWeb SEO Tool. You will do this by using the exact same method outlined in the how to load your site in iWeb SEO Tool video.

When your site is loaded, just press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button, and all of your tags will re-appear. You can make any alterations if you want, and then you can now publish your site. Remember to publish the site from iWeb SEO Tool if you publish it to FTP.

Also, if you see your optimizations before you press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button, just know that that is normal, but you still must press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button in order for the optimizations to actually be applied.

One Response to “How To Re-Apply Your Saved Tags In iWeb SEO Tool”

  1. iWeb SEO Tool Instructions Says:

    […] 5) Updating your iWeb website and using iWeb SEO Tool […]

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