Customer Testimonials & Awards

"I have had GREAT success with MapDesign. Not only have I used it to spice up a district website used to teach teachers how to use technology in the classroom, but I've also used it to enhance a web portal used only by new incoming Principals. Everyone loves the wonderful graphic interactive additions! Thank you RAGE!"
Brandon Hunter
Customer Review
"Overall, as someone who maintains my own Web site, I really love Domainer. It sports a beautiful Mac OS X interface; its features are simple to use; and what it does, it does superbly (4 stars). [Full Review]"
James Dempsey
Macworld Mac Gems Review
Sitemap Automator:
"My iWeb based site didn't appear within the first 60 pages of a Google search with my most relevant keyword. I have since watched your 'iWeb SEO Video Walkthrough Tutorial' and purchase your 'Sitemap Automator'. Within three weeks of starting SEO optimisation based on the advice within the video, my site is already on page 1, I still haven't completed all the recommended steps! Your range of tools, training videos and support are absolutely excellent, well done and keep up the great job."
Neil Ward
Customer Review
iWeb SEO Tool:
"I was looking for a method to get my meta-tags right for my website. So customers can find me quicker using Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. A friend gave me the SEO Tool link and in a very easy way i updated my iWeb website with meta-tags, title, content tags etc. After that I also learned to get my URL in the best possible way. I am very happy with the SEO Tool software. Thank you very much for making it possible to keep my website tot the best possible standards!"
Rika Looij
Customer Review
Macworld Gem 4 stars Macnn 4.5 Stars CNET 5 Stars Apple Staff Pick Softonic Rating

Let us help you make a successful website.