How To Load Your Website In iWeb SEO Tool

February 25th, 2011

There are two different ways to load your website in iWeb SEO Tool. If you publish your site to MobileMe, we recommend first publishing the site to MobileMe in iWeb, and then opening it up in iWeb SEO Tool via the Load iDisk Sites button. If you publish your site to FTP, you will need to publish the site to a local folder in iWeb, and then open it up in iWeb SEO Tool using the Open Website button. Both of these processes are demonstrated in the following video tutorials. Remember to view our iWeb SEO Video Course to learn how to optimize your website for search engines.

Video Transcript

To open up your website in iWeb SEO Tool, open up the Publish page in iWeb by selecting the Site Title on the left hand side of the application. In case you are unclear about what the Site Title is, this here is the site title called Jeremy’s Golf Shop. Everything underneath it are just the individual pages that are associated with this one web site.

If you publish your site to MobileMe, select MobileMe from the Publish To: dropdown menu. Make sure you fill in your information, just as you normally would, and then publish your site.

If you publish your site to FTP, you will need to select Local folder from the drop down menu. Go down to the Folder Location option, and press the Choose button. Select a location on your hard drive where you want to save your site. I have a folder on my Desktop called My Website. This is where I am going to save this site to.

Once our sites have been published, either to MobileMe, or to a local folder on our hard drives, we’re going to open up iWeb SEO Tool, and load our sites.

If you publish to MobileMe, all you need to do is press the Load iDisk Sites button, and select the your site.

If you publish to FTP and you just published your site to a local folder in iWeb, you are going to press the Open Website button. Next, you will find your website folder, highlight it, and press choose.

Your site will now be open in iWeb SEO Tool, and you will be able to make your optimizations.

There is one very important tip that I want to share with everyone. Anytime you go back into iWeb and make updates to your website, you will need to follow this process again. Once you have your site loaded in iWeb SEO Tool, you will need to press this Re-Apply Saved Tags button.

The reason we do this is because the updates we make to our site in iWeb will overwrite the optimizations made here in iWeb SEO Tool. All this means is that to get the optimizations back, we must just follow this simple process again, and then press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button.

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