EverWeb Celebrates Its 7th Anniversary!
Thursday, November 12th, 2020The last 12 months since EverWeb’s 6th anniversary have been incredibly busy as usual! We’ve packed a lot in to four point releases this year giving EverWeb even more great features, great enhancements to existing features, lots of optimizations and even a new product addon!
As we celebrated our sixth anniversary last November, EverWeb 3.0 had just been released. We celebrate our seventh anniversary with the recently released EverWeb 3.4!
Here are just some of the highlights from the world of EverWeb this past year…
Welcome Dark Mode!
One of the most dramatic additions to EverWeb over the last year was the introduction of Dark Mode which came to the product last December. This feature is available to any macOS version that supports dark mode and we think EverWeb looks absolutely gorgeous in the dark!
Parallax Scrolling and Color Overlays
One of the most visually stunning features to come to EverWeb in recent months is the new Parallax Scrolling feature which gives you a great sense of motion when used on full width images in your site. There is no set up needed, you just add your full width image then apply the Parallax Scrolling feature to it from the Shape Options tab!
There’s also a new color overlay option so that you can add a filter to your image. This is a great feature when you want to bring objects in the foreground to the front but need to subdue the background image a bit to do so!
Set Shape As Scroll Position
Scroll Position is a great way to add anchors to your pages in EverWeb. The feature was introduced before we added the Responsive Page Layout to the product, so Scroll Position would not work very well in a responsive website. Not anymore though, as we added a new Set Shape as Scroll Position feature to Scroll Position. Now it is super easy to add an anchor directly to almost any object, in any page layout type, Fixed or Responsive!
SEO Power Up Addon: Talking Your SEO To The Next Level!
EverWeb’s new SEO Power Up Addon takes your SEO to the next level. EverWeb SEO Power Up replaces our old Sitemap Automator product with new and updated features built directly in to EverWeb.
You can now add your own SEO Keywords directly into any page you want. You can also set the importance of your pages using the Priority field and the Change Frequency field tells crawlers how often you expect your pages to be updated. These tools let web crawlers know more about the pages of your site that are important to you.
EverWeb SEO Power Up also creates your website’s XML Sitemap file when you publish your site, and its robots.txt file which helps web crawlers know which pages they can, and cannot, crawl.
The addon is available to all EverWeb customers. If you host with us, you get the extra bonus of built in GZip compression which will make your pages load faster in your client’s browser window. If you have an EverWeb+Hosting 10GB or higher account, EverWeb SEO Power Up is totally free of charge!
To purchase EverWeb SEO Power Up just click on the ‘Optimize & Submit Website to Search Engines checkbox in your website’s Site Publishing Settings. A dialog box will appear to guide you through the purchasing process.
New Additions to Contact Form Advanced Widget
As always the Contact Form Advanced widget gets special attention and this last year was no exception. We added customizable Form Validation so that you can enter your own message if your visitor fails to enter required information in to the form.
In addition, you can now also forward your visitor to a specific page after they have submitted their contact form to you. There is also a new Transparency style available for your contact form,
New Additions for Contact Forms Enhanced Addon!
EverWeb’s popular Contact Forms Enhanced Addon debuted in EverWeb 3.0 creating a super easy way for you to retain contact form data when visitors to your site use its contact forms.
We had a lot of great feedback about this addon and this helped us to make the feature even better than ever. We added totally customizable confirmation emails, the ability to remove branding from submitted emails and most recently in EverWeb 3.4 new Calendar and Set Time Controls to give you more control, and style, over your contact forms.
More Ways to Find Things in Your Project File!
In the last twelve months EverWeb has added more ways for you to find almost anything in your EverWeb Project File. You can now use search to find the web page you want in your project, the asset you want to locate, the widget you want to use and the theme template you want to add. Just use the built in dedicated search boxes!
More Speed, More Optimizations!
As always we have spent a lot of time and effort to make working with EverWeb as fast and easy as possible, even if you have large website projects. We have optimized the performance of our built in widgets dramatically over the last few months as well as making the UI performance slicker than ever!
Publishing added a new ‘auto continue publishing’ feature so that if your website’s publish stalls, the process will automatically try again after a few minutes.
As always we are always optimizing the code that EverWeb generates to create your site so that it is the most efficient as it can be!
These are just some of the highlights of the last year for EverWeb. As usual, your input is always appreciated to help make EverWeb even better. So please tell us what you would like us to add to EverWeb, or improve upon, in the coming twelve months in the Comments Section below!
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