When you update your site in iWeb, you will essentially be overwriting the optimizations you made in iWeb SEO Tool. In order to correct this, you must publish your site to a local folder again, and then load it back in iWeb SEO Tool. You must then press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button in order to apply your old tags again, and then publish the site fromĀ iWeb SEO Tool.
Video Transcript:
After you optimize your website in iWeb SEO Tool for the first time, you are going to eventually want to update your site in iWeb. When you update your site in iWeb, the optimizations you made in iWeb SEO Tool previously, and the newly updated site in iWeb will be two separate items. This means that if you add a new photo to your site in iWeb for example, you will need to follow these steps in order to have the newly updated site also contain your optimizations made in iWeb SEO Tool.
Simply load your website back in iWeb SEO Tool. You will do this by using the exact same method outlined in the how to load your site in iWeb SEO Tool video.
When your site is loaded, just press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button, and all of your tags will re-appear. You can make any alterations if you want, and then you can now publish your site. Remember to publish the site from iWeb SEO Tool if you publish it to FTP.
Also, if you see your optimizations before you press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button, just know that that is normal, but you still must press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button in order for the optimizations to actually be applied.
This video is an update to an earlier video in which we show you the proper way of loading your site in iWeb SEO Tool. This video is specific to users who publish their sites to MobileMe. There is a recommended method for a MobileMe site and using iWeb SEO Tool and we encourage all MobileMe users to follow along.
Video Transcript:
It is very important to learn about the proper ways of loading your website into iWeb SEO Tool.
If you are watching this video, it means you publish your website to MobileMe. We have specific instructions on how to load your site in iWeb SEO Tool if you publish to MobileMe.
First, you must have iWeb open to the publish page. You can get to the publish page by clicking on the Site Name in the menu here on the left hand side. If you have multiple websites, each of your websites will have its own Site Name. So click on the Site Name to be taken to the publish page. Now, everyone who publishes to MobileMe, will publish their website to MobileMe right from within iWeb. This is the way you normally publish your site, so there is nothing different at this point. Every time you update your website in iWeb, you are going to publish it to MobileMe in iWeb.
Now that our sites have been published to MobileMe, let’s open up iWeb SEO Tool so we can load our site in it.
To load our sites, click on the Load iDisk Sites button. All of your websites will show up on the left hand side. Find the site that you want to optimize and click on the arrow to view the website files.
When you make your optimizations, clicking the Apply, or Apply To Entire Site button, depending on which tab you are on, will publish the changes to your site. This means you do not need to press this Publish button in the top right corner here. The changes will be published automatically when you click the Apply, or Apply To Entire Site buttons. Remember, do not go back into iWeb and publish your site from iWeb after do ing this. This will overwrite everything and you will be left without your optimizations.
The process should just be this
1) Create Site in iWeb
2) Publish site to MobileMe in iWeb
3) Load site in iWeb SEO Tool via Load iDisk Sites button
4) Make optimizations and click Apply or Apply To Entire Site buttons
Now one note I want to make here, is that if you do publish to MobileMe and load your website into iWeb SEO Tool this way, you will not be able to add a favicon to your site.
Lastly, as everyone should be aware by now, MobileMe is being discontinued. This means you will need to find another hosting company. I encourage everyone to sign up to our hosting. We will make sure we do what we can to make your transition easy. You can also take comfort in knowing that we are the only hosting company who can provide support for iWeb users.
You can visit us at ragesw.com/hosting.php or by clicking on Hosting in our navigation menu.
This video is an update to an older video that showed you how to load your site into iWeb SEO Tool. This video should only be watched by users who publish their iWeb sites to FTP and NOT to MobileMe.
Video Transcript:
It is very important to learn about the proper ways of loading your website into iWeb SEO Tool.
If you are watching this video, it means you publish your website to an FTP account. I am going to show you the proper way to load your website in iWeb SEO Tool. We also have another video that demonstrates the proper way to publish your site to FTP. I encourage everyone to take a look at that. You can find these videos on the iWeb SEO Tool page by clicking on the Video Tutorials Tab.
So to load your site in iWeb SEO Tool, you must first publish your site to a local folder. To do so, go to your site’s publish page. You can get to the publish page by clicking on the Site Name in the menu here on the left hand side. If you have multiple websites, each of your websites will have its own Site Name. So click on the Site Name to be taken to the publish page.
Make sure that Publish to Local Folder is selected from the drop down menu. Select a location on your hard drive to publish the folder to. Take note of this location as you will need to know it when loading your folder in iWeb SEO Tool. Also note that I said hard drive and not network drive. It is important that you publish the folder to your hard drive otherwise you will have trouble publishing the site.
Next, click on File in the menu bar, and select Publish Entire Site. This ensures that all of your website files will be publish to your folder.
Now it’s time to load the folder into iWeb SEO Tool. Simply click on the Open Website button and locate the folder that you just published to your hard drive. Select the folder and press the Choose button. Your website is now loaded in iWeb SEO Tool.
Some of you are going to try to load a file with a .html extension for example, or a file that has a .sites extension. You will notice that these files are greyed out and you cannot select them. That is because you must load your website folder into iWeb SEO Tool and not any other file.
There are two different ways to load your website in iWeb SEO Tool. If you publish your site to MobileMe, we recommend first publishing the site to MobileMe in iWeb, and then opening it up in iWeb SEO Tool via the Load iDisk Sites button. If you publish your site to FTP, you will need to publish the site to a local folder in iWeb, and then open it up in iWeb SEO Tool using the Open Website button. Both of these processes are demonstrated in the following video tutorials. Remember to view our iWeb SEO Video Course to learn how to optimize your website for search engines.
Video Transcript
To open up your website in iWeb SEO Tool, open up the Publish page in iWeb by selecting the Site Title on the left hand side of the application. In case you are unclear about what the Site Title is, this here is the site title called Jeremy’s Golf Shop. Everything underneath it are just the individual pages that are associated with this one web site.
If you publish your site to MobileMe, select MobileMe from the Publish To: dropdown menu. Make sure you fill in your information, just as you normally would, and then publish your site.
If you publish your site to FTP, you will need to select Local folder from the drop down menu. Go down to the Folder Location option, and press the Choose button. Select a location on your hard drive where you want to save your site. I have a folder on my Desktop called My Website. This is where I am going to save this site to.
Once our sites have been published, either to MobileMe, or to a local folder on our hard drives, we’re going to open up iWeb SEO Tool, and load our sites.
If you publish to MobileMe, all you need to do is press the Load iDisk Sites button, and select the your site.
If you publish to FTP and you just published your site to a local folder in iWeb, you are going to press the Open Website button. Next, you will find your website folder, highlight it, and press choose.
Your site will now be open in iWeb SEO Tool, and you will be able to make your optimizations.
There is one very important tip that I want to share with everyone. Anytime you go back into iWeb and make updates to your website, you will need to follow this process again. Once you have your site loaded in iWeb SEO Tool, you will need to press this Re-Apply Saved Tags button.
The reason we do this is because the updates we make to our site in iWeb will overwrite the optimizations made here in iWeb SEO Tool. All this means is that to get the optimizations back, we must just follow this simple process again, and then press the Re-Apply Saved Tags button.
Allowing your website visitors to search your site to find exactly what they are looking for could be the difference between a happy customer and a frustrated customer. If your visitors want to find something on your site but are having a hard time, a search box can be a good incentive for them to stay on your site and continue browsing. This tutorial is going to show you how you can put a Google search box on your iWeb website. Be sure to learn how to get your iWeb site to rank higher in search engines with the iWeb SEO video course.
Video Transcript
Adding a Google custom search box to your website will allow your websites visitors to quickly find what they are looking for, using Google’s search technology.
Adding the search box is pretty simple. First, open your web browser to http://www.google.com/cse . Next, press the ‘Create A Custom Search Engine’ button.
On the following page, fill out the required information. In the ‘Sites to search’ box, list the sites that you want to appear in the search results. Usually this will just be your one website.
There are two editions of the custom search engines you can use. The standard edition is free, and has ads shown on the results page. If you want no ads, you can purchase that for a minimum of $100 per year depending on how many searches are performed on your site. For this demonstration, I will stick with the free edition as that is what i think most of you will be choosing.
Next, you will be able to customize how you want the search results page to appear. Choose whichever option you like best, and then press the Next button.
The third step will show us a code for our search box. Highlight that code and copy it.
Then open up iWeb, and drag the HTML snippet to your page. Paste the code that you just copied. Your search box will now appear and you can place it wherever you want on your page. If you want the search box to be on multiple pages of your website, you will need to copy and paste it onto those pages.
Learn how to get your iWeb site ranking higher in search engines with the SEO For iWeb Walkthrough Video Tutorial, by visiting ragesw.com
In our effort to make things as easy as possible for our software users, we have created this quick tutorial that will demonstrate how a user should properly publish their iWeb website to FTP using iWeb SEO Tool. The tutorial will identify common mistakes users make, and how to determine if your FTP login information has been entered correctly. To learn how to make your iWeb site rank higher in search engines, be sure to check out the iWeb SEO Walkthrough Video.
Video Transcript
There were many people asking me publishing related questions with iWeb SEO Tool. This tutorial is going to strictly cover publishing a website to FTP using iWeb SEO Tool. We will cover all of the main points involved with publishing, and then we will discuss the biggest issue users have when publishing their website. That issue is the directory path.
The first thing you will need to do is press the publish button, and then make sure Publish to FTP is selected and then press the next button.
In the FTP field, here is where you will put your server address. Sometimes the server address may look like the one I have here (an IP address,) but more often than not, it will just be your domain. So if my domain were publishingtoiweb.com then that is what I would put in this field.
Do not include http, www, or ftp in this field. Just put your domain.com or .net or whatever the extension may be.
Your username and password must be accurate otherwise logging in will not work, and you will not be able to publish.
To check to see if you have all of your FTP login details entered in correctly, press the Browse button. If you are able to see files and folders like we see here, then you have logged in correctly. If you get an error similar to this, then your FTP information is incorrect. You must get the correct FTP information before proceeding to the next step.
I’m now going to discuss the Directory Path field. This is the area where most users experience the most difficulty. Chances are, if you are watching this video, you need to enter something in this field.
We are going to focus on one method for finding out what the directory path should be. I think this will be the easiest way for you to do it, and it will work out well for most people.
If you use RAGE hosting, you should type in /public_html. For everyone else, please refer to the following method;
What you want to do is open up iWeb, and go to the publish page of the website you want to publish in iWeb SEO Tool. The first thing I want you to do is have a look at the current FTP information you already have. In the directory/path field, there may or may not be some text. If there is some text, I want you to copy it. If there is no text in there, don’t worry, just bear with me for a moment.
Go back to iWeb SEO Tool, and in the directory path field, paste the text you just copied. Make sure there is a forward slash at the beginning of this text.
Your site should publish properly now.
I want to make a note that this method should work for 95-99% of users. Since there are so many variations when it comes to publishing, some users may not achieve success using this method. If you are in that 5%, submit a support ticket at ragesw..com/support and we will be happy to assist you.
To wrap your text around an image in iWeb, you must remember to insert the image into the textbox. The following video tutorial will demonstrate this, along with the common mistake that many users make when trying to wrap text around an image in iWeb. Remember to check out our SEO For iWeb video tutorial to learn how to make your iWeb website rank higher in search engines.
Video Transcript
In this video tutorial, I am going to show you how to wrap text around an image in iWeb. Before I show you the proper way of doing it, I am first going to show you a common mistake people make when wrapping their text around an image.
The first thing I am going to do is insert my image by selecting Insert in the Menu bar, and then going to Choose. This isn’t the only way to insert an image, but it will do for this demonstration.
Now that my image has been inserted, you will notice that I can move it around and place it wherever I want. I’ll open the Inspector and then the Text tab, and then the Wrap tab. Now you will notice that the Object Causes Wrap option cannot be selected. This is the problem that many users face. Here is how we solve it.
First, I’m going to delete the image that I just inserted, and now I will click within the text box, and reinsert the image again.
So now that the image is within the textbox, I will once again open up the inspector, and you will notice that the Object causes wrap option is no longer greyed out and I can now select it. I can also choose to align my image left or right.
I can also move the image in the textbox, and make it bigger or smaller.
And that’s how you wrap your text around an image in iWeb.