Archive for the 'EverWeb' Category

EverWeb Add Ons and Professional Services Round Up!

Thursday, December 23rd, 2021

As always every year is a busy year for EverWeb and 2021 was no exception! We added many new features not only to EverWeb but also to our add-on products as well… Here’s a rundown of all of EverWeb’s add-ons and Professional Services…

EverWeb Site Shield Addon

EverWeb Site Shield Addon helps protect your website and improves its ranking on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP), which is good news for your SEO. When you add Site Shield Addon to your website, I will become secure with a secure padlock symbol in the web browser’s path bar. The HTTP prefix also changes to become HTTPS meaning that your website:

  • All data is ‘End to End’ is encrypted from your visitors computer to your website
  • Your website is safer for your visitors
  • Your website’s credibility is improved with a “secure lock” notice
  • Google and other search engines place HTTPS websites higher in their rankings than HTTP websites

Usually, changing your website from HTTP to HTTPS is a difficult process. However, EverWeb Site Shield Addon makes this change very easy – just tick one checkbox to change your website from HTTP to an HTTPS secure website!

Your HTTPS website will be highly optimized for search engines and helps better protect your website visitors at the same time.

In the upcoming EverWeb 3.6, you can further enhance your site’s security by using EverWeb Site Shield Addon’s Enhanced Security Settings. These extra features make the time consuming, complex task of securing your website with advanced protection features, a simple one with just a few mouse clicks! EverWeb’s Enhanced Security features include:

  • Preventing 3rd party sites from embedding your website. 
  • Preventing content type interpretations.
  • Enabling XSS Protection. 
  • Enabling Secure referrer policy.

Purchasing EverWeb Site Shield Addon

EverWeb Site Shield Addon is:

  • Exclusive to EverWeb + Hosting accounts. 
  • Free if you have an EverWeb + Hosting 10GB or higher plan. 
  • Available for just $39.95 USD / Year if you have an EverWeb + Hosting 2GB plan.

If you have EverWeb Site Shield Addon prior to the release of EverWeb 3.6, your existing pricing remains the same and you get the extra new features absolutely free!

To add EverWeb Site Shield Addon follow these steps or click this direct link;

  1. Login to your Client Area
  2. Select ‘Services’ from the menu and click on ‘View Available Addons’ from the navigation bar
  3. You will see the available ‘Add Ons’ on the next page in the ‘Product Addons’ section of ‘Categories’.
  4. Select the ‘Addon’ and follow the purchasing steps.

Contact Forms Enhanced Addon

EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced is an addon for the Contact Form Advanced widget. Contact Forms Enhanced has the following features:

  • A login area to review all form submissions
  • Search and manage all form submissions online
  • Select the data you want to use quickly and easily
  • Export form submission data in CSV file format
  • Website visitors can upload files in Contact Forms to a safe, secure area in your Client Area
  • Download files that your visitors have sent you from your Contact Forms 

You can use the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon to collect form submissions that can be used for creating email address lists for electronic newsletters, track responses to your events, promotions and surveys, keep your existing client base regularly updated with your current business activities and keep track of potential new customers. 

The Contact Forms Enhanced Addon can help you retain existing customers while growing your business with potential new customers.

The Contact Forms Enhanced Addon makes it easy for you to download the data from your form submissions. In addition, you can also receive file uploads from your website visitors that you can then download from your EverWeb Client Area, safely and securely.

Purchasing Contact Forms Enhanced Addon

You can purchase the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon safely and securely from our Secure Online Store.

You can always upgrade/downgrade between packages if you need more, or less, form submissions or file upload space.

Contact Forms Enhanced is available in two configurations:

  • 1,000 Form Submissions + 1GB File Upload Space starting at only $29.95 USD /Year and
  • 10,000 Form Submissions + 10GB File Upload Space starting at $49.95 USD / Year

EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon

EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon automatically optimizes your website for search engines and submits it Google, Yahoo, Bing and Alexa search engines. 

EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon:

  • Optimizes your website for search engines
  • Enables GZip Compression on the server, for EverWeb+Hosting customers, so that you get faster loading websites
  • Automatically creates the XML Sitemap file
  • Allows you to assign priority and frequency to your website’s pages according to the sitemap protocol
  • Automatically creates the robots.txt file
  • Submits your site to Google, Yahoo, Bing and Alexa notifying them of the updated site each time you publish something new.

Purchasing EverWeb SEO Power Up

EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon is:

  • Available to all EverWeb customers, whether you host with us or with your own hosting provider
  • EverWeb SEO Power Up is FREE if you have an EverWeb + Hosting 10GB or higher plan
  • Available for just $29.95 USD / Year if you have an EverWeb + Hosting 2GB plan

You can purchase EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon safely and securely from our Secure Online Store.

Custom Designed, Professional Websites

If you are having trouble designing your website, or want a custom, professionally designed website for you, we can help! Using our custom website design service, you have the ability to update and change your design whenever you need.

There are three levels of design service to fit all budgets:

  1. Converting your existing website design to EverWeb
    This option is a low cost solution which converts an existing design from other products, such as iWeb or Freeway, and turns it into an EverWeb website that you can then update and modify yourself.
  2. Creating a completely unique, custom design that fits your needs
    This option is great if you need a low cost, professionally designed website that you can edit and modify in EverWeb and already know what style you want.
  3. Providing a minimum of 10 unique website designs that you can choose from
    This option is great if you are not sure what you are currently looking for in your website design and want at least 10 unique designs to choose from. Once you choose a design we have created for you, we turn it into an EverWeb project that you can then modify and enhance to your needs.

Every package above comes with a professionally created EverWeb project file that you can modify yourself.

For more details and pricing for these designs, please visit our custom design website or contact customer support for more details.

EverWeb Professional Coaching Services

EverWeb is designed to be easy to learn and use, but if you ever want some coaching to learn more or tackle a problem you have with your design, we are here for you! There are two levels of EverWeb Coaching available:

  • Our standard service offers 1 on 1 live EverWeb coaching with our experts for 45 minutes. You can order one or more sessions at any time. We will share your computer screen and assist with EverWeb issues, email set-up, and EverWeb usage questions.
  • Our Advanced Coaching option offers enhanced 1 on 1 help including website design assistance and Search Engine Optimization questions with a live, screen sharing session.

For more details and pricing for EverWeb Coaching, please visit our Customer Support Options page or contact customer support directly.

If you have any questions about any of our add-on or web design or coaching options, please let us know in the Comments Section below!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






Viewing Your EverWeb Blog on Mobile Devices

Thursday, December 9th, 2021

For many website developers, a blog is a key aspect in a website’s development process. A blog is a great way to give your website visitors and customers more in-depth news, features or information that you cannot easily add to your website’s landing page. EverWeb makes it easy for you to create and manage your blog and you can even use it for discussions by adding either Disqus or FaceBook Comments as Comment Engines in your blog.

Fixed Width Blogs and Mobile Devices

Whilst adding a blog is a great idea, you may also find that it can create a problem. If you have created a fixed width website using a centered, or left aligned, page layout, or are using a Fixed Width Theme Template blog page, you may have noticed that the blog is designed only for use on desktop and tablet sized devices. So, how do you make it so that you have a blog that will work properly on all device types: desktop, tablet and mobile?

When you create a Fixed Width website in EverWeb, you will typically be using a Centered Page Layout. As ‘Fixed Width’ means that the width of your page is constant, your page width will always be the value set in the Minimum Page Width setting in the Page Settings tab of the Inspector Window. By default this value is 1000 pixels, so if you are using a mobile phone for example, the page will probably be about twice the width of the display of your phone.

Desktop and Mobile Pages…

The usual solution to this issue is to create a corresponding mobile page with a width of approximately 480 pixels, so you have one, for example, Home page of 1000 pixels for desktop and tablet devices and a corresponding Home page of 480 pixels for mobile devices. In EverWeb you link these two pages together in the Mobile Settings section of the Page Settings tab. For the Desktop page you set the ‘Mobile Page’ setting as ‘One of My Pages’ and choose the mobile page you want using the ‘Page’ dropdown menu. You would then go to the page you selected in the ‘Page’ dropdown and set the ‘Mobile Page’ setting for this page as ‘None’ and check the box for the ‘This page is for mobile devices’. When you publish your site, EverWeb will automatically add the code that’s needed to make sure that when the Home page is accessed on a desktop or tablet device you will see the desktop ‘Home’ page and when you access the ‘Home’ page on a mobile device you will see the mobile ‘Home’ page.

So far so good, but when you have a blog, you cannot use this type of linking.

Blogs on Mobile Devices

The solution to the problem is to use a Responsive blog instead of a Fixed Width blog in your website. If your website design is Responsive your blog main, posts and archive pages will automatically scale to any device that they are displayed upon, so you have nothing to do.

If your website uses either a Centered Page Layout, you may not have created a blog yet, you may have created a blog in Centered Page Layout or you may have created a blog in a Responsive Page Layout. Let’s look at how you would tackle each scenario…

Before You Start…

As you will be using two distinctly different types of Page Layout in your website, it is important that you familiarise yourself with Responsive page design in EverWeb if this is your first time working with responsive pages. Responsive pages work in a different way to fixed Width page design and may take some time to get familiar with.

Please check out the chapter on Responsive Websites in EverWeb in the EverWeb User Manual, our blogs and our YouTube videos on responsive web design in EverWeb before continuing if this will be your first time working with responsive pages in EverWeb…

If You Have Not Created a Blog Yet…

If you have not yet created a blog but want to add one to your site, then the solution is to simply add a Responsive Blog to your website.

Adding a Responsive blog to your site is straightforward:

  1. First create a new page in your site using the Add Page button, or the File-> New Page… button.
  2. Click on the ‘Blank Responsive’ Theme on the left hand side of the Theme Template Chooser.
  3. On the right hand side of the dialog box click on the ‘blog’ page then click on the ‘Select’ button.
  4. You can now style the blog page, the posts page and blog archive page to match the look of your site.

If You Have Already Created a Center Aligned Blog…

In this scenario, you will need to convert your blog from a Centered Page Layout in to a Responsive Page Layout:

  1. Before starting this action, it is recommended that you make sure that you backup your website. In this way if you find that you do not want a Responsive blog, you can undo the changes you have made using the backup copy of your website.
  2. To start, select the ‘blog’ page in the Web Page List of the Web Page List of your Project file.
  3. In the Page Settings tab, go to the Page Layout section.
  4. Change the Page Layout type from Centered Layout to Responsive.
  5. When you change the Page Layout type, you will be warned that such a change will change the design of your page. If you are happy to continue, then click on ‘Yes’ to change the page layout.
  6. When you change page styles in EverWeb, The objects on the page will probably have moved around the page so the page may need to be redesigned to fit responsive page design rules.
  7. Once you have completed the ‘blog’ page, repeat the process for the ‘posts’ and ‘blog archive’ pages.

If You Have Already Created a Responsive Blog…

If you have already created a Responsive Blog for your website, there is nothing you need to do at all as you already have a blog that will display correctly on any device it is displayed upon.

Final Words…

Creating a Blog with a Responsive Page Layout is the easiest way to have a blog that will display properly across all types of device from Desktop down to mobile phone. Your existing fixed width website does not need to change either so you get the best of both worlds!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






EverWeb’s RSS Feed Widget Explained!

Friday, November 26th, 2021

When EverWeb debuted eight years ago, it came with a number of preinstalled widgets that mirrored those found in Apple’s defunct iWeb product. One of those widgets was the RSS Feed widget.

The acronym RSS has never had one fixed meaning so you may find it referred to as either Rich Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication or Really Straightforward Syndication. What RSS does, though, is clear – it enables you to easily access updates to website contents and display these updates in an uncomplicated way. RSS, therefore, is ideal for frequently updates blogs or news headlines or media that may get frequently updated such as podcasts, audio and video content.

Adoption of RSS in websites grew in the early 2000’s and there are many apps, such as Feedly and FeeddlerRSS, that you can use to subscribe to the RSS Feeds of your choice. These content aggregators make managing multiple RSS Feeds that much easier.

Why Use EverWeb’s RSS Feed Widget?

Using an RSS Feed app to view the latest content from your favourite feeds is a great way to consume content, but you can also add RSS Feeds directly in to your website using the RSS feed widget. This is useful if you want to, for example, let your visitors know that there is a new blog post available on your site. It is also a good way to link to content from other sites that may also be of interest to your visitors.

Adding The RSS Feed Widget To Your Page

EverWeb’s RSS Feed widget is a fixed width widget, so if you are using a Responsive Page Layout in your site, the widget will need to placed inside of a Responsive Row widget. If you need to add a Responsive Row widget to your page, first drag and drop the Responsive Row widget on to the page from the Widgets tab. Once the widget is on the page, you can name the Responsive Row, e.g. “RSS Feed Row” before drag and dropping the RSS Feed Widget on top of the “RSS Feed Row”.

If you are using a Centered or Left Aligned Page Layout, just drag and drop the RSS feed widget directly on to the page.

Finding the Feed URL

Once the widget is in place on the page, the next step is to add the Feed URL you want to the URL field in the Widget Settings. Some external websites publicise their RSS Feed link which makes it easier for you to add it in to your own site. If you cannot find the Feed URL link of the site you want, try one of the following URL formats:


It may take some time to figure out the Feed URL by intelligent guessing. If you have the technical ability you can also look at the target site’s source code to see if you can find the Feed URL, or you could simply ask the Website Owner instead which may be the easiest option!

If you are using your EverWeb blog as the Feed URL, the URL will follow the structure of your website so if the blog is on the top level of the website the Feed URL would be

If you are an EverWeb+Hosting customer who has purchased EverWeb Site Shield Addon, you would use HTTPS, otherwise use HTTP at the start of the URL. Also note that the name of the blog is the default name in EverWeb. If you have changed the blog page name, you will need to use your replacement name instead of “blog” in the URL.

Styling The RSS Feed Widget

Once you have entered a valid URL in to the Feed URL field, the widget will update. This may take a few moments. By default five entries will be displayed. Each entry consists of a Title and the first 150 characters of the entry’s text. You can change these values in the Widget Settings as desired.

Styling the contents of the RSS Feed Widget is easy. In fact, styling the widget is done in the same way as you would for the Blog widget in your EverWeb blog’s index and archive pages. Let’s start with the Titles of the entries. By default, the Titles are in a blue color and underlined. This is because the Titles are in fact Hyperlinks to the entries themselves. So to style the Titles, first click on the first title in the Widget. All the Titles will become highlighted. Now go to the Hyperlinks Inspector and change the color and underlines as you want. If you want to change the Title text font and size, click on the Fonts button in the Toolbar, or use the Command+T shortcut key.

To style the text content or the Date (if you have checked the Show Date checkbox in the Widget Settings), click on the text content or one of the dates in the Widget. As with the Titles, all of the text or date entries will become highlighted. Use the Fonts Panel to change the color, font and font size of the selection.

Use the other Widget Settings to select the Style of the Widget itself. You may also want to adjust the refresh rate of the widget. This will depend on how often the RSS Feed content is updated. If the content is frequently updated, use a smaller value in this field. If the content is not updated often use a larger value.

In summary, EverWeb’s RSS Feed widget is a versatile and very handy widget to keep your visitors up to date with the content of your site.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






EverWeb’s 8th Anniversary Review! Apple Silicon, Website Search, SEO Power Up and Much More!

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Looking back at November 2013, it seems like it was only yesterday that we released EverWeb 1.0 for the Mac upon the world! With each year since then, we take a look back over the last twelve months and are always surprised at how much we have achieved In the past year, we focused on delivering more features that our customers have been asking for and this is what we delivered…

New EverWeb Product Releases

During the last year we released two major releases, EverWeb 3.4 in October 2020 and EverWeb 3.5 in July 2021, together with three point releases. The last point release EverWeb 3.5.1 was actually a fairly major release, introducing some great new features that we will review below.

As well as our usual product releases, the last year also saw the introduction of EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon. See below for more details!

EverWeb on New Platforms!

One of the biggest events for EverWeb in the the last year was that it became a Universal Binary app with the release of EverWeb 3.4. This means that you can now run EverWeb natively on Apple Macs that use Apple Silicon as well as those using Intel processors.

If you are running a version of EverWeb prior to version 3.4, you can still run the app on an Apple Silicon machine through the Rosetta 2 app.

As well as running on Apple Silicon and Intel chips, we also asked the question of our community… Would you be infestered in a Window version of EverWeb? Now, this may sound like a strange question for a Mac based community, but many people actually run dual Mac and Windows environments. If a Windows version of EverWeb would be of interest to you, let us know in the Comments Section below!

Let’s also not forget the Mac’s operating systems as EverWeb is, as you would expect, fully compatible with macOS Big Sur and the recently released macOS Monterey operating systems.

Website Search

Adding website search capability to EverWeb was one of the highlights of the last year. We added two new widgets to EverWeb 3.5, the Search Field and Search Results widgets. the Search Field widget is the powerhouse of search and also lets you customize how your search results display as either a pop up window, dropdown menu, or using the Search Results widget displaying results on their own dedicated page.

The new website search is fully customizable in that you can add your own key search words, customize the search bar and the results set display.

Parallax Scrolling

One of the most requested feature requests has been for the addition of Parallax Scrolling in EverWeb. Parallax Scrolling lets you add a background image to an object, such as a Responsive Row widget. The ‘background’ image scrolls at a slower rate than the content that sits above it, creating a 3D like motion effect. You can find this feature in the Shape Options tab together with the new Overlay Color feature. Use this feature when you want to add a color tint to an image. You can select the color and degree of tint that you require, so you no longer need to add a colored semi-transparent shape on top of an image to get a tinted image!

EverWeb SEO Power Up

As you may know already, EverWeb’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is baked in to the product, saving you time and effort. With the release of EverWeb 3.4 we expanded the scope of SEO customization with the introduction of EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon.

SEO Power Up lets you your own SEO Keywords on a page by page basis. You can also set the priority of your pages and the frequency with which you want web crawlers to crawl your pages. In addition, the latest version of EverWeb also adds these features to your blog posts as well. Customizing your pages for SEO is a great way to focus and target your pages more precisely than ever! Find out more in our video all about EverWeb SEO Power Up.

In addition to SEO Power Up, we also added more SEO oriented features to EverWeb with the inclusion of Short Summaries to blog posts and Open Graph tags.

Workflow Improvements

One of the core goals of EverWeb is to make technically complex features as simple to use and implement as possible.We are always looking for ways to give you time back by making things such as your workflow simpler and easier.

Over the last twelve months, we have added the ability to update multiple widgets of the same type simultaneously. For example, if you wanted to add a custom button to all of the PayPal widgets on a page in your site, you can now update them all at the same time.

In addition, you can now also update multiple asset list items within a single widget all at the same time as well e.g. if you are using the FlexBox widget, you may have multiple Embedded Objects with a maximum with of 250 pixels. If you want to change this value to 280 pixels for all of the Embedded Objects, this is now a one step operation!

More About Assets…

There was even more good news about assets in your EverWeb Project File over the last year as we Quick Look returned! Just select an asset in EverWeb’s Assets List, then press spacebar to get a Quick Look preview of the image asset. Use the up and down arrows to view the previous and next image assets. In addition to the return of this feature, we have also expanded it to widgets as well, so for example, you can now use the same technique in the Image Gallery and Responsive Image Gallery widgets.

These are just some of the highlights of the last twelve months. There are many, many, other feature adds and improvements to enjoy as well as additional features to many of EverWeb’s default widgets. We have a lot more planned for this coming year and are already working hard on EverWeb 3.6!

What would you like to see coming to EverWeb over the next year? Let us know in the Comments Section below.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






6 EverWeb Shortcuts You Need to Know About!

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

Time is a precious commodity and even more so in this day and age where we all seemingly have to work harder and faster! Working smarter, though, will help claw some of that precious time back for you and EverWeb has a few great shortcuts that will save you both time and effort.

Widget Asset List Selection

One of the major highlights of the recently released EverWeb 3.5.1 is the inclusion of the ability to change the settings of multiple items in a Widget’s Assets List at the same time. This is an incredible boon for when you suddenly realise, for example, that you need to change all of the Minimum Width values of your Embedded Objects in the FlexBox widget. Prior to EverWeb 3.5.1, you would have to select each Embedded Object, change the value, in my case Minimum Width, then move on to the next Embedded Object until you were finished. Now all you need to do is to highlight all of the objects in the Embedded Objects list, then change the value just once. All the selected Embedded Objects will be updated immediately.

You can select whichever objects you want to update all at the same time. For example, if you have five objects in the list and want to select all of them, you would select the first object in the list, then Shift+Click the on last object in the list. If you wanted to select only the first, third and fifth objects, you would again click on the first object then hold down the Command key and click on the third and fifth objects. In the second example, you can click on the first, third and fifth objects in any order you like, as long as you keep the Command key down whilst doing so.

You be aware that widget Asset Lists often go by a variety of different names, depending on their function in the widget. As you can see above, the FlexBox widget has an Embedded Objects list, the Contact Form Advanced widget uses a Form Controls list and so on…

Updating Multiple Widgets of the Same Type

EverWeb also allows you to update multiple widgets of the same type, all at one time, if they are on the same page. This is especially useful if, for example, you are using the PayPal widget and want to change the default Buy Now button to a button image of your own. You used to have to update each widget one by one, but since EverWeb 3.4 you can now do this all at one time. Just select all of the PayPal widgets on the page, then click on the Widget Settings button in the Inspector Window. Now check the the ‘Use Custom PayPal Button Image’ Checkbox and select your Custom Image file. All of the selected PayPal widgets will be automatically updated!

One thing to note when using this feature is that once you have finished updating all of your PayPal widgets, de-select the widgets immediately. This will stop you inadvertently updating all the selected widgets when you may just want to update one.

Replace Asset

Replace Asset is another boon for those of you who need to have placeholder images in your page. For example, you want to have an image on your home page that is also used on other pages of your site. You may want to change the image every month e.g. if you are in retail and need to update your website for seasonality. Since EverWeb 3.4, you can now easily do with a one click operation. Start by going to the Assets Tab and then secondary click on the image you want to replace (e.g. last month’s cover) with an updated image (this month’s cover). From the Submenu, select Replace Asset… and choose the updated image. That’s all you need to do! The new image will replace the old wherever it is used in your site!

Swapping Master and Regular Pages

When developing your site, you may find that you make a page that would be perfect as a Master Page. You can easily copy your page without having to create a new Master Page from scratch, just drag and drop your page in to the Master Page area! It’s that simple. And the great thing is that it works the other way round too, so if you accidentally create a regular page in the Master Page area, just drag and drop it in to the regular page section.

Moving Page Content Quickly and Easily

If you have ever wanted to open up a gap in the middle of your page this tip is for you! You can use a keyboard short cut to move objects either up or down the page without disrupting your page layout. This is really useful when you want to, for example, insert a widget between two TextBox paragraphs. e.g. you may want to insert an Image Slider or YouTube Video widget in to the middle of your page.

to start, go to the place on the page where you want to insert your object. Choose an object in this area of the page that you want to move down the page. Select the object, but hold down the Cmd+Shift keys down at the same time. Keep the keys pressed down and drag the object down the page. You will see that the selected object and everything under it move down the page! When you have the gap you want, release the mouse and keyboard keys.

Note that it’s the selected object and those below it that get moved down. If you have other objects on the same (horizontal) level as the selected object, they will not move down.

Use Secondary (Right) Click

Using a two finger tap on your mouse or trackpad is a great way to access some commonly used EverWeb feature without having to go up to EverWeb’s menu bar. The list of options has also expanded over time which makes this feature even more useful, especially when using the Responsive Row widget which recently added a ‘Remove from Responsive Row’ option so you can easily divorce objects from the Responsive Row so that the object becomes a full width object in the Editor Window. We are also hoping to add some more functionality in EverWeb 3.6 to this submenu, so stay tuned!

All of the above features can be found in EverWeb 3.5.1 and above. If you are using an earlier version of EverWeb you may need to update your copy to be able to access all of these features.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






Using ALT Text in EverWeb

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

You may have noticed when using EverWeb, that there are quite a few places where you see the words ‘Alt Text’ displayed in the Inspector Window. You may also see that some widgets also include ‘Alt Text’ in their options. But what is Alt Text, what does it do, should you be using it in your site and if so, how can you get the best out of using it? Let’s find out…

What Is Alt Text?

Alt Text stands for Alternative Text. It is the ‘alternative’ to using an image. Alt Text replaces an image when the image itself cannot be loaded and viewed on screen. In addition, the other original intention of Alt Text was for it to be used to help visually impaired people who used special equipment that would read the contents of the screen back to them.

Alt Text and SEO

Adding Alt Text to an image in your EverWeb Project can also benefit to your site’s SEO as Alt Text allows search engines to better crawl and rank your website. All in all, adding Alt Text to the images in your website will make for a positive experience for your potential and existing visitors.

Adding Alt Text To An Image

There are a few places in EverWeb where you add Alt Text to your images. If you have standalone images anywhere on your page, just select the image you want then go to the Shape Options tab. In the ‘Fill’ section you will see there is an Alt Text field. Just enter in the text that you want to use. It’s that simple. If you use an image more than once in your site from the Assets List in the Assets Tab, you will need to add Alt Text to the image each time you use it. If you copy the image whilst it is on the Editor Window, using Copy and Paste, the Alt Text attribute will be preserved.

Remember that when adding Alt Text that it should be a brief description of what the image is, in less than 125 characters. A brief description is important because of the points made earlier in this post about the Alt Text being used for the visually impaired and also its role in replacing the image if it cannot be loaded in to the browser.

Many of EverWeb’s widgets also contain Alt Text fields e.g. the FlexBox and Text Section widgets. For the Image Gallery widgets, you can use a Caption to inform the visitor of what the image is if it cannot be displayed on screen.

Using Alt Text To Its Best Advantage

When you add a Alt Text description to an image, remember two things: First, be descriptive and do not use just a collection of keywords as your description, and second, bring out the detail and specifics of the image wherever you can e.g. if you have an image of a boat you might want to say, ‘The new 30 meter yacht, Princeton, launching from Dover Harbour, England.’ A third point is to remember the context of the photo in your site. In the example just sited, the context is easy as there is reference to both an event and a place. If your image is a generic one, for example, from a stock photo site, you should add Alt Text for the image that applies context to it within the page. As an example, I may want to use a stock photo with the word ‘SEO’ in it on my page. For the image’s Alt Text I could add some context relevant to my site by using this description: ‘EverWeb’s SEO Video Course is available on YouTube.’

Images in Your Project File

When using images in your Project file, it is always a good idea to name the image file descriptively before you grand and drop the file in to your EverWeb Project. This method is the best way for website crawlers to discover your image and use it when ranking your site. If you have already imported your image with a non-descriptive file name, you can still rename it in EverWeb. Just double click on the image in the Assets List and rename the file. In terms of SEO, this is OK, but is second best to renaming the file before importing it into EverWeb.

Alt Text is a great way to add accessibility to your site, it creates a more positive experience for your visitors and it can help boost your SEO. Use it only on the images that are important to your site. As with everything SEO, you do not need to add Alt Text to images that do not need it. Focus on what is important in terms of your site’s SEO.

More information on EverWeb and SEO can be found on the EverWeb website.

EverWeb on Social Media

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What’s New in EverWeb 3.5.1?

Tuesday, September 28th, 2021

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of EverWeb version 3.5.1. This is a maintenance and stability release for the recently released EverWeb 3.5 which introduced Website Search to EverWeb. In addition to the usual fixes, the new version of EverWeb includes some additional new and enhanced features detailed below and in our E erWeb 3.5.1 release video.

Please let us know in the Comments Section below if you have any questions.

EverWeb 3.5.1 Includes…

  • NEW For widgets that have an Assets List, you can now select multiple rows and the adjust settings for all of the selected Assets rather than having to go through each Asset individually to adjust its settings.
  • NEW: Quick Look works for Assets Lists in widgets.
  • NEW: You can now secondary (right) click on an object in a Responsive Row widget and remove it from the Responsive Row.
  • NEW: Double clicking an object that is from a Master Page will show a warning that you have to edit it from the Master Page.
  • NEW: If a crash report cannot be sent because EverWeb has to Force Quit, the next time EverWeb is launched you will see the crash report.
  • NEW: The FlexBox widget now includes Button border styles.
  • NEW: The FlexBox widget now includes a ‘max width’ property option for the button.
  • NEW: The FlexBox widget now includes a transparency option for the mouse hover color.
  • NEW: You can now paste a list of keywords separated by a comma in one row of the Keywords list in the SEO Section of the Page Settings tab and in the Keywords section of a Blog Post. EverWeb will automatically parse the list into individual rows.
  • NEW: Added the video for the Search Bar to the Help ‘?” in the Site Search section of the Page Settings tab.
  • NEW: TheSearch video has been added to Site Search widget.
  • NEW: Site Search now uses Page Names if there is no title in the Web Page Description field in the Page Settings tab.
  • NEW: Site Publishing Settings has a new ‘Add Domain’ button to easily register a new domain or to add a domain as an add-on.
  • NEW: New Font Size variable for widgets.
  • NEW: When using Disqus as the Comment Engine in Blog Posts, if you change a blog post title, you can now have Disqus use the new post title in place of the old title.
  • IMPROVED: Copy and pasting text in to the Blog Post Editor.
  • IMPROVED: The FTP Timeout window now shows the error along with the automatic reconnection/republish feature.
  • IMPROVED: Changing the Navigation Menu Display Name for a page not in the Navigation Menu widget will not mark the pages with a Navigation Menu widget to be re-published.
  • IMPROVED: Some settings in a widget’s Assets List that do not affect the EverWeb UI will not cause the widget to update itself.
  • IMPROVED: Better error checking when an image cannot be published.
  • IMPROVED: Removed the ‘Show Title’ checkbox in the YouTube widget as the setting is no longer valid.
  • IMPROVED: Better error checking enhanced popup menu.
  • IMPROVED: Error checking when replacing an image asset with a non-image file.
  • IMPROVED: Responsive Rows with just one object in them cannot be moved around and dragged out of the Responsive Row.
  • IMPROVED: Improved language localizations, especially Dutch.
  • FIXED: Fix for shapes with ‘No Fill’ and a border not being published properly.
  • FIXED: Spelling corrections in the Search Results widget.
  • FIXED: Fixed blog updating issues on macOS 10.16.
  • FIXED: Fixed blog cover image not appearing on macOS 10.16.
  • FIXED: When using Quick View to Preview an asset in the Assets List, the down arrow now works correctly by previewing the next asset in the Assets List.
  • FIXED: Better error checking/messaging when trying to preview a site without any pages.
  • FIXED: Some buttons did not properly auto resize when using different languages if the text in that language did not fit the button.
  • FIXED: Fixes to how EverWeb gets the preview for certain widgets within the Editor Window.
  • FIXED: Min value for widget text fields could be set to a negative value.
  • FIXED: Fixes for the Image Gallery widget when pressing the Pagination Buttons within the Editor Window.
  • FIXED: File links work again in widgets using the Styled Text Editor.
  • FIXED: Insert Date features works for non English systems.
  • FIXED: Spelling mistake in Search Results widget Inspector fixed.
  • FIXED: Fixed potential crash when using very large images with the scaling features for object backgrounds.
  • FIXED: Fixed widget previews when replacing an image asset that the Widget is using.
  • FIXED: Replacing an image asset with a different file extension will adjust the file extension in the Assets List.
  • FIXED: Fix for FTP publishing for servers that require TLS for data and control connections.
  • FIX: Widgets will properly preview when adjusting settings quickly, such as background color using the color window sliders.
  • FIX: Widgets will now respect default hyperlink styles set under the Default Styles Window.
  • FIXED: Fixes to full width shapes placed in Responsive Rows.
  • FIXED: Fixed some labels in message boxes that were cut off.
  • FIXED: Filenames that used non-English characters are no longer converted into their English equivalent.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






EverWeb, Open Graph Tags and SEO

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

If Search Engine Optimization is important to you, then EverWeb’s SEO Power Up could be a great addition to your EverWeb purchase. SEO Power Up Addon extends the range of EverWeb’s already built in capabilities by submitting your website to search engines from Google, Bing, Yahoo and Alexa.

EverWeb SEO Power Up also contains a variety of features so that you can more specifically optimize your website’s pages to get the best advantage when search engines crawl your site. You can change the priority of the page and the frequency in which the page is crawled by search engines.

Whilst EverWeb’s new add on debuted in version 3.4, it’s been improved in EverWeb 3.5 with the addition of Open Graph Tags.

What are Open Graph Tags?

The Open Graph Tag Protocol was originally developed by Facebook. Open Graph Tags are code snippets that determine how URL’s will be displayed in Social Media. What the Open Graph Tag does is to create the best feature rich preview of the URL possible.

How Does The Open Graph Tag Work?

The Open Graph Tag will look at the data and information that comes with the URL and will build a preview based on this e.g. the page title, page description and so on. Whilst apps generally try to create the best preview possible on their own, the Open Graphs Tag helps to provide richer previews so that your content stands out more in Social Media.

What are the Advantages of the Open Graph Tag?

The advantages of Open Graph Tags are that they:

  1. Create the best feature rich previews for shared media links.
  2. Help your content to stand out amongst other content.
  3. EverWeb’s SEO Power Up addon adds Open Graph tags automatically.
  4. Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter are some examples of apps that take advantage of Open Graph Tags.

What Do I Need To Do in EverWeb?

As Open Graph Tags are part of the EverWeb SEO Power Up addon, there’s nothing you need to do as EverWeb will apply the tags to URLs automatically for your website. If you share URL’s on Social Media, they will be automatically used if the app takes advantage of the Open Graph Tags Protocol.

What About Open Graph Tags and SEO?

Open Graph Tags are meta tags and so will have an indirect influence and impact on your SEO. The advantage of Open Graph Tags is that they should improve the performance of your links in Social Media, which is a plus in itself. You may like to think of the Open Graph Tag as an optimization for the URL link when used in Social Media.

As always, we aim to make life easier for you when developing your website! And now with Open Graph Tags in EverWeb SEO Power Up, you get better, richer Social Media previews for your website URL’s without having to do anything!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






EverWeb 3.5’s New Blogging Features

Thursday, August 26th, 2021

Our latest EverWeb release, version 3.5, is focused on its new website search feature. If you use EverWeb for your blog, the website search features are also there for you!

Website Search in Blogs

EverWeb uses full text search in its website search feature so this means that your blog and its posts will be automatically included in any website search. This means that you don’t have to do any configuration work at all for website search to work.

However, if you want to customize your blog for search and also help boost your website’s SEO at the same time, EverWeb allows you to do this as well.

EverWeb 3.5 introduces two new features to blooging: Blog Post Short Summary and Blog Post Keywords. Let’s start with a closer look at Short Summaries.

Why You Should Use Short Summaries

A Short Summary is just that – it is a brief description of the blog post. When you search the Internet for something, the list of search results that you see are in the form of a web page title that links to a web page followed by the first words of the linked page displayed below it.

You may find that the first words of a your blog post that are displayed in search results do not convey what the whole blog post is actually about. A Short Summary can be used to replace this default text with your own descriptive text summarising what your post is actually about. This description has the advantage in that you can it as a ‘hook’ to entice potential visitors to click on the associated link.

The Short Summary is also a good place to add SEO Keywords or phrases. If you are interested in finding out more, check out our SEO for EverWeb Video Course. If you just want to find out how to get the most SEO effective Keywords or phrases for your website, take a look at the course’s Keyword Research video.

Tips on Creating a Short Summary

When creating a Short Summary in EverWeb remember:

  1. Keep the Short Summary brief and to the point. You may want to do this by listing the key points of the blog, linking them together by simple, short sentences.
  2. Include your SEO Keywords in the Short Summary if it is appropriate to do so. As we always remind you, do not sacrifice a great blog post description just for the sake of adding SEO keywords. It is actually counterproductive to do so.
  3. Your Blog Post Title and Short Summary should clearly state to your potential visitor what the post is about. If the post title, or summary, does not reflect the actual content, visitors will probably not return to your site in future.
  4. The Blog Post Title should also use SEO or Search Keywords if it is appropriate to do so.
  5. The Short Summary will be displayed in the blog main and archive pages in place of the beginning text of the blog post. If you do not include a Short Summary, the beginning text of the post will be used instead.

Creating a Short Summary

Creating a Short Summary is easy:

  1. First click on the Posts Page in the Web Page List of your EverWeb Project file.
  2. Next click on the blog post that you want to add the Short Summary to.
  3. Click on the Settings Cog and select ‘Edit…’ from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter the text that you want to use for the Short Summary in the Short Summary field,
  5. Click OK to finish.

Using Keywords In Your Blog Post

As well as adding Short Summaries to your blog posts, EverWeb also lets you explicitly add ‘Keywords’ to your blog posts that you want to be available for search.

Enter the Keywords that you want associated with your blog post using the same dialog box as you use for Short Summaries. When adding keywords to your blog post, follow the same rules that you would use when adding SEO Keywords to the other pages of your site. 

Click on the Add button then enter the keywords or phrases that you want to include. Press enter to finish.

To edit the Keywords just double click on the keywords in the list, then edit the words you want to change.

To delete any Keywords, click once on the Keywords in the list that you want to remove, then press the Backspace key on your keyboard. The Keywords will be deleted.

When you have finished using the dialog box, press OK. Publish your site to implement the Short Summaries and Keywords.

Ordered Lists

The final new feature in blogging in EverWeb 3.5 is a minor one with the addition of more Ordered List types in the Blog Post Editor Window’s Toolbar.

EverWeb on Social Media

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Setting Up Your EverWeb Website’s Search Criteria

Thursday, August 12th, 2021

EverWeb version 3.5 adds site wide search as its major new feature using the all new Search Field widget. This widget can be used to display your search results in a dropdown list or popup window. There is also a third option which links to the Search Results widget where you can choose to display search results on a dedicated page in either a scrollable or static results set. 

How Search Works in EverWeb

EverWeb automatically use certain fields in your project file as well as the text content of its pages as the basis for site wide search. EverWeb takes care of everything so you don’t need to do any work to set up search.  

However, if you want to, you can refine and customize your site’s Search Criteria when setting up your website search in order to refine search criteria and also to help boost SEO. It can also be useful to do a little work on your Search Criteria as there may be, for example, pages in your site that you do not want to include in your search results. For example you probably would not want to include placeholder directory pages that are blank but are used as dropdown menu headings in the Navigation Menu widget in your search results.

SEO and Search Criteria

Customizing your Search Criteria can be of benefit to your SEO, especially if you use your SEO Keywords or phrases. If you have followed the SEO for EverWeb Video Course, you will probably have already added keywords or phrases to your pages’ text and also to certain fields in EverWeb’s Inspector window to help boost your SEO. You should also find some useful SEO tips in the rest of this blog to help further boost the SEO potential of your website. Check out our SEO for EverWeb Video Course for more information.

What is Automatically Included in EverWeb’s Search Criteria?

EverWeb’s Search feature automatically uses the following search criteria:

  • Full Text Search: The text content of your pages is included when performing a search. When including text in your pages, the words that you want people to search upon should be included in your page. 

    The text that you enter in to fields such as captions, or in the Styled Text Editor when using Widgets, is also used in Search.

    Remember that where possible, and appropriate, include your SEO Keywords or terms in your text. If possible position these keywords or terms in the first (or second) paragraph of your page’s text. You may even find that your search words and SEO keywords are often the same. Also remember, though, not to sacrifice the readability of your text just for the prospect of better SEO. This is counterproductive as your website’s visitors are less likely to return to your website if the text is not well written.
  • Filename: In addition to the text content of your pages, EverWeb uses the Filename field in the Web Page List in site searches. Therefore, if you can, give your page’s filename a good descriptive name if at all possible. The additional benefit here is that a good Filename can also help your SEO!
  • Web Page Title: Search takes in to account the Web Page Title field of your page in Search. You should aim to have a good descriptive title and include SEO keywords if it is appropriate to do so. As always please do not sacrifice your Web Page Title just for the sake of SEO.

    The Web Page Title is also important to include as it is used as the Page Title in the search results list. If you leave this field blank, the page title will be listed as ‘No title’ which is not helpful to anyone who is searching your site.
  • Web Page Description: The Web Page Description field is found in the Search Engine Optimization section of the Page Settings tab if you are using EverWeb 3.5.

    Add the words, or phrases, that you want to be searched upon as part of your page description. Make sure that this field describes the page, and is not just a list of SEO or search related words. This field is important as it is used for both your website search results set within your website itself and for Internet searches where it is used to describe your page to the outside world.

    Again, it is better to have a good page description, even if it means having to exclude SEO Keywords or search words.

Excluding Pages from Search

EverWeb allows you to easily exclude any page that you do not want to be searched upon from the site search. Simply uncheck the ‘Include in Site Search’ box in the Site Search Section of the Page Settings tab of the Inspector Window to remove the page from the website search.

Excluding pages is appropriate if, for example, you have directory pages that redirect to child pages. If such a page is found in a search result, it will be empty as it is a blank page, so you should exclude pages such as these from your search criteria.Typically you use these directory pages as the main heading of dropdown menu lists in the Navigation Menu widget.

You will probably also want to exclude pages such as your ‘404 Page not found’ page from any search and if you have a dedicated Results Page that uses the Search Results widget, you may also want to exclude this too. Other examples include ‘Thank You’ and ‘Cancelled Order’ type pages that you might set up for use with PayPal widget.

SEO Power Up Addon and Search

If you have EverWeb’s SEO Power Up Addon, you can also explicitly add words that you want to be available for search, by entering them in to the ‘Keywords’ section of the Search Engine Optimization section of the Page Settings tab. This will also, of course, be advantageous for your SEO as well. To activate this field, check the box ‘Include page in search engines’. 

EverWeb SEO Power Up Addon users can also add keywords in to blog posts as described in the next section.

Search Criteria and Blogging

If you have your own blog for your website, Search also includes your blog posts in search results. Use the same methods as described above to add search terms to your blog main and archive pages.

When creating your blog posts, EverWeb will the blog post’s text and post title as search criteria, so again apply the same tips as described above for adding keywords and phrases in to your blog post.

EverWeb 3.5 has also added a couple of new features to blogging which will help you with search and SEO. You can now add specific search criteria to your blog posts. First select the blog post you want, then click on the settings cog on the left hand side underneath the list of blog posts. A dialog box will appear. Use the ‘Short Summary’ field to enter in a description of the blog post in the same way in which you would for a regular page using the Web Page Description field.

If you have purchased EverWeb’s SEO Power Up addon you can also add keywords to any post you want, which will then be used in Search and will also benefit your SEO.

Add the Keywords or phrases that you want to be available for search and SEO in the Keywords section of the dialog box. When adding keywords or phrases use the same methods as you would if you were adding Keywords or phrases to a regular page.

Setting up Search Criteria in EverWeb is super customizable so that you can define and refine your search criteria, and boost your SEO, simply and quickly.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:




