Adding Apple Podcasts To Your Website in EverWeb
Thursday, December 10th, 2020When using Apple’s Podcast’s app on iPhone, iPad or on your Mac (or via iTunes depending on your macOS version) you can search, listen and download thousands of podcasts. If you want you can add these such podcasts from the Apple Podcast app in to your own website!
Finding The Podcast You Want
The resource to use to find the podcast you want to use is Apple’s Marketing Tools website. This website contains a number of different marketing resources for a variety of Apple’s services such as News, Apple TV, the App Store and so on.
Click on Apple Podcast Toolbox to access the Podcast Marketing Tools Portal.
To start, enter the name of the podcast that you want to embed in your website. This could be, for example, a specific podcast name or just the name of the podcaster.
In this example, I want to embed a podcast about the iPhone 12 that I recently listened to from the Apple Insider website. In this case, I just enter Apple Insider in the search box and press Enter.
In the results I can see Podcasts and Podcast Episodes. ‘Podcasts’ are like categories. Apple Insider has three categories. Each category will, therefore, contain Podcast Episodes. I can filter the search results by Type of Podcast and by country if I want to but in my example it is not necessary to do so.
As I want to find a podcast episode about Apple’s iPhone 12 I start by clicking on Apple Insider’s general Podcast category. On the next screen is a list of Podcast Episodes. Once I have located the podcast episode that I want, I just double click on its title. If you do not see the podcast you want, expand the section by clicking on ‘Show More Episodes’.
Podcast Embedding Options
You will now be on the Podcast Episode page which contains a number of different sections. For our purposes, we are interested in three sections: Content Link, Podcast Player and Short Link. We will look at each of these options and how to add each of them in to your EverWeb made website project.
Content Link
A Content Link is the hyperlink to the podcast episode you have elected. The link is the full URL All you need to do in the instance is to copy the Content Link to the Clipboard using the ‘Copy Link’ button.
Once you have copied the link, go to the place in your EverWeb Website where you want to add the link. For example, you could attach the link to a piece of text, an image, or a button. In this example, I am going to attach the link to a piece of text in my page.
Highlight the Text that you want to use, then go to the Hyperlinks Inspector. Click on the box to the left of text ‘Enable as hyperlink’ to enable the settings. Next, click in the ‘Link To’ field and select ‘An External Page’. If you would like the podcast to open in a new page when your visitor clicks on the link text, select ‘Open in new window’ as the Behavior. The last step is to click in the ‘URL’ field and paste in the link to podcast from the Clipboard.
You can customize the link formatting using the Hyperlink Formatting section. Once you have finished your customizations, use Preview from the Toolbar to test the link.
Short Link
To use a podcast episode Short Link in your website, start by clicking on the ‘Generate Link’ button in the Short Link section of the Podcast Episode page. When the link has been generated, you will see it displayed on screen. Use the ‘Copy Link’ button to copy the Short Link to the Clipboard.
Next, follow the instructions from the Content Link section above to add the Short Link in to your EverWeb made website project, then test the link using Preview.
Short Link is sometimes used if it is not possible to paste long links in to your site. This is not a limitation in EverWeb so you can use either option. There may in fact be valid situations where you may want to use a Short Link to mask the full address.
The advantage of using Content Link over Short Link is that the Content Link generally tells you the name of the podcast episode whereas the Short Link is only a randomly generated link name.
Podcast Player
The last option for embedding podcast episodes in to your website is by using the Podcast Player option. Use this option when you want to embed Apple’s Podcast player in to your website. The Podcast Player can be customized to have a light or dark background, and the player can be specifically sized if required. Additionally, the player has a ‘See more’ option so that visitors can explore more podcast episodes from the podcaster.
To use the Podcast Player, simply click on the ‘Copy Embed’ button to copy the embed code to the Clipboard. Next, go to the page in your EverWeb project file where. you want the player to be embedded.
In this instance you will need to use EverWebs HTML Snippet widget, so go to the Widgets tab and drag and drop the widget on to the page.
Click inside the HTML Code Box and paste in the Embed Code from the Clipboard. Click ‘Apply’ to finish. If you do not click on Apply, the code will not be saved in the Code Box.
You will not see any change in the Editor Window once the code has been applied, so use Preview to test that the embed code works correctly before publishing your site. Using Preview in this instance is also useful as you can see if the Podcast Player is positioned correctly on your page.
Adding podcasts from Apple’s Podcast repository is easy and has the flexibility for you to add them to your website in exactly the way in which you want them displayed. For a video walkthrough of this EverWeb feature, just click on the image at the top of this page!
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