Archive for the 'Software' Category

EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced Addon’s New Mass Email Feature Is Live!

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

The recent release of EverWeb version 3.8 brought with it an amazing new feature for users of the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon – Mass Emailing! This Addon is used in conjunction with EverWeb’s Contact Form Advanced widget and enables you to capture and store the information that your customers fill in when they submit a contact form to you, giving you great CMS capability.

The Contact Form Widgets, Contact Forms Enhanced Addon and Mass Emailing

In EverWeb the core of the contact form experience lies in the Contact Forms Advanced widget. This widget is a fully fledged contact form environment enabling you to build just the form that you want for all circumstances. The widget contains all the formatting and controls that you need to build any form your site might need.

As a side note, EverWeb also includes the simple Contact Form widget which is retained mainly for legacy purposes. Our recommendation, though, is to always use the Contact Forms Advanced widget as it offers better security and is more resilient against form SPAM attacks than the original widget is. Additionally, you can only use the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon with the Advanced widget.

A contact form has two important functions: The first is that it enables you to facilitate two way communication with your customers and clients, the second is that it is a great way to build up your customer base by storing the data from the forms submitted by your customers.

The ability to capture and store customer data from submitted forms is a key feature of the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon as is its ability to allow your form submitters to upload files to you if they want. The data collected from your form submissions can be exported to other applications if needed e.g. you may have collected survey data through a contact form that you now want to analyse. Another use for your data is as a customer database from which you can mass mail all, or a subset, of those who submitted a form to you. You can, of course, export your data out and use it to create a mass mailing, but with EverWeb, it is all built in for you.

How To Use Contact Forms Enhanced Addon’s Mass Email Feature

The following example assumes that…

  • You have purchased the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon for use with the Contact Form Advanced widget
  • You have already collected some form submission data that can be used for a mass emailing.

In the following example, we are going to produce a mass mailing to people who have sent in form submissions for DJ based concerts, telling them of some upcoming events that they may be interested in.

Selecting Form Submissions for Mass Email

  1. Start by logging in to your EverWeb Client Area at
  2. Alternatively if you are already in EverWeb, you can go to the EverWeb-> Preferences-> Account menu and click on the ‘Manage Account’ button or double click on your project file name in the Web Page List then click on the ‘Manage Account’ button.
  3. On the left hand side of your Client Area home page, you will see the section ‘Contact Form Submissions.’ Under this heading there are two options: ‘Mass Email Configuration’ and ‘View Form Submissions.’ Click on the latter – ‘View Form Submissions.’
  4. The ‘Contact Form Enhanced’ page will then be displayed. Use the ‘Please select your form to access its submissions’ button to see a dropdown list of all of your forms.
  5. Click on the form you want to use for your mass mailing then press the ‘Select’ button. In this example, I will click on the ‘DJ’s Booking a DJ’ form name then on the ‘Select’ button.
  6. You will now see all of the form submissions listed for the form. You can select the form submissions you want to include by ticking the checkbox to the left of each form submission.
  7. To deselect form submission, just click the checked tick box again to toggle the selection off.
  8. To select all form submissions, check the box to the left of the ‘Name’ field heading.

Using the Mass Email Form

Once you have selected the form submissions you want to use in the mass emailing, click on the ‘Send Mass Email’ button. You will now see EverWeb’s mass email template.

Check the Members Field

Before starting to fill out the template, check at the bottom of the page to make sure that the ‘Members’ field contains the form submissions that you have just selected. If there are no members in this field, go back to the previous screen and select the form submissions that you want to use for mass emailing. If you complete the form with no members, your changes will not be saved and you will need to rewrite the mass email template again.

Setting Up a Mail Driver

The first field in the form is the ‘From (Sending from: api) field. This field is used to configure from where the mass emailing will be sent from. You have three choices:

  • EverWeb
  • Amazon (aws)
  • SMTP (we recommend not to use this if you are using a Google or Office 365 email address. Use EverWeb or Amazon (aws) instead as your mail driver)

in this example, I am going to choose ‘EverWeb’ as the mail driver.

Subject, Tags and Content Fields

After you have configured your mail driver, complete the other fields in the form. Enter the text you want as the heading of the email using the ‘Subject’ field.

In the Content field, enter the text of the body of the email. You can include any of the listed tags in the email so, for example, you could begin with ‘Dear’ then click on the tag *|Name|* to insert the Name field in to the body text of your email.

Note that tags only appear when the field actually has some content in it. For example, if my contact form had a ‘Venue’ field in the form but no one filled this field in, I would not see a *|Venue|* tag when creating my mass emailing email.

Default Value for Mail Tag

When using tags in your mass email form, you can also set a default value for the tag itself, just enter the value you want in the relevant tag field in the ‘Default Value for Mail Tag’ section.

Sending Out the Mass Email

Once you have completed all of the fields, click on the Submit button to send out the mass email. You will see a confirmation message that the mail has been sent. If the Submit button is not available, make sure that the Subject and Content fields are not empty, then try again.

…More Features To Follow

We have a lot of plans for mass emailing in EverWeb so if you have a comment or suggestion about this new feature please let us know in the Comments Section below.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






Extending the Power of Hyperlinks with EverWeb

Friday, September 16th, 2022

In our recent post on EverWeb’s new hyperlinking capabilities that debuted in EverWeb 3.7, we promised that there would be more hyperlinking options coming soon to EverWeb. In this post we take a look those additional hyperlinking features which came out with the EverWeb 3.7.1 release.

Follow Link

The first new hyperlinking feature released with EverWeb 3.7.1 is ‘Follow Link’ which does just that – it follows the link you have added in your page back to its source. The source can be an internal page, an internal blog post or an external page. Follow Link gives you a simple, easy way in which you can test and troubleshoot links in your pages or to find where the source of the link actually is located. Using this feature will help you reduce the risk of including dead, or mistyped, links in your site that could result in ‘404 Page Not Found‘ messages when visitors click on such a link.

The Follow Link feature works for most of the hyperlinks that you use within your page with the exception being when there are hyperlinks contained within widgets such as the FlexBox or Text Section widgets.

To use the feature, simply secondary click on the link and select ‘Follow Link’ from the menu. If the option does not appear on the menu, then it is not available for link e.g. if you have a link to an email, you cannot follow the link to its source.

As mentioned earlier, Follow Link is a great way to check that your links are working properly. It can also be used troubleshooting links in the Navigation Menu widget. Have you ever had the Navigation Menu display two, or more, menu items with the name ‘Home’? If so you’ll obviously want to change one, or more, of your page’s Navigation Menu Display Name field. Simply secondary click on the one of the ‘Home’ page links in the Navigation Menu widget and select ‘Follow Link’. You will immediately be taken to the page where the link is and can immediately change the Navigation Menu Display Name from ‘Home’ to the label that you really want to use instead. Remember that when using this option, the Navigation Menu widget should not be selected when you right click on the menu option you want to follow.

Edit Link

The second new hyperlinking feature for users of EverWeb 3.7.1 or higher is the new ‘Edit Link’ option. Using this option you can now secondary, or right, click on an object and select ‘Edit Link’ from the dropdown. You will then notice that the Hyperlinks Inspector will be displayed with the.object’s link being available to edit. The Edit Link feature is available for use with text links and with objects that contain a link such as a shape or image. For the moment, this is the limit to the capability of the feature, but more is planned to make Edit Link more dynamic and context sensitive in a future version of EverWeb.

No More Linking to The Navigation Menu Widget

The great thing about hyperlinking is that you can use the feature on almost any object on your page if you want. However, prior to EverWeb 3.7.1, you could actually set up a link on the Navigation Menu widget itself. This is something you really do not want to do as you want to access the hyperlinks of the Navigation Menu Widget itself. So, as of EverWeb 3.7.1 we have disabled this so that you do not inadvertently add a hyperlink to this widget and lose access to your navigation.

More about Hyperlinking in EverWeb

Hyperlinking is a core feature of most websites and there is plenty to explore in EverWeb. Here are some related videos that may be of interest…

If you have a question about hyperlinking in EverWeb, or any question relating to EverWeb, please let us know in the Comments Section below. We’re here to help!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






Did You Miss These New Features in EverWeb 3.8?

Friday, September 2nd, 2022

Our latest EverWeb release, version 3.8, has three great new major features: a gorgeous new User Interface if you are running macOS Big Sur or later, an easy way to group assets on a page by page basis, and the new Mass Mailing feature for the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon. As always, though, we have added a lot of often requested minor features and tweaks to EverWeb to make your website building experience even better. Here is a rundown of those smaller features that you may have missed…

Blogging Posts Are More Customizable!

Good news if you use EverWeb’s blogging feature as EverWeb 3.8 introduced two new feature additions to help you with formatting your blog pos: Blog Post Header alignment and Blog Post Date Alignment. Alignment can be wither left, right or centered.

The other really useful feature to come in this release is the inclusion of Image Padding for your Blog Post’s Cover Image. As you increase the padding, the vertical and horizontal spacing increases between the Post’s Cover Image and the Blog Post Header and Date fields. The effect is most noticeable when the Post Cover Image is left aligned. If the image is center aligned, you will see vertical padding only, and you may not notice any effect is the image is right aligned as, in this case, the Blog Post Header and Date fields will be left aligned so will not ‘interact’ with the image.

New “Instant” Preview Feature

Over the last few years, we have aimed to improve the speed of previewing your site and with EverWeb 3.8 we are happy to announce the arrival of Instant Preview. This new feature does just what it says as it instantly show you a preview of your page when you either hit the Preview button and select the browser of your choice.

The new Instant Preview takes only one step to set up. First go to the EverWeb-> Preferences-> General tab. In this dialog box make sure that the ‘Preview Server’ checkbox is ticked. That is all you need to do to get ‘instant’ previews!

More Context Sensitive Help

We started adding more context sensitive Help dialog boxes to EverWeb in version 3.7 and have expanded these in EverWeb 3.8. if you find any Help dialog box intrusive, just tick on the ‘Don’t Show Again’ checkbox so it does not appear again. if you do want to restore the Help dialog boxes, go to the EverWeb-> Preferences-> General tab and click on the “Reset ‘Don’t Show Again’ Dialogs” button. Note that doing this action will restore all of the dialog box help messages.

We have also tweaked the Section headings that display when you move an object towards another section of the page, based on customer feedback to its implementation in EverWeb 3.7.

Photos and Captions

Photos contain a lot of information in the structure of the file, such as date and time created, location, aperture and focal length settings and so on. In EverWeb 3.8 EverWeb will try to retrieve the caption of a photo if there is one in the file information. Id the caption is found, when you import the file into EverWeb, it will replace the filename with the caption information instead e.g. if I have a photo with a file name of ‘P1000450.jpg’ on my desktop with a caption ‘Blue Sailing Ship’ included as the file’s description, when I drag and drop the file in to EverWeb, the file will be renamed as ‘Blue Sailing Ship.jpg’. The original file on the desktop remains unaffected and still has its original file name.

Faster Widget Generation for Apple Silicon Users

Although apps on Apple’s Intel based and Apple Silicon Macs in theory should run the same and without problem, there are some differences between the two. Typically this usually means that Apple Silicon users have found some speed issues in the past that need to be addressed, even though the app is ‘dual binary’. Although we have tweaked EverWeb to remove these issues, a bit more work in the area of widget generation in the Editor Window has been done just to keep this running at the speed they should – nice and smooth!

EverWeb 3.8.1 Is Now Available!

…and finally, the maintenance version of EverWeb 3.8, version 3.8.1, is now available for download. This update is recommended as it fixes some issues found in the recent 3.8 release. If you have ‘Automatically Check for Updates’ set on in the EverWeb-> Preferences-> General menu option, you will be notified of this updated when you next log in to EverWeb. Alternatively you can use the EverWeb-> Check for Updates… menu option, or download the latest version from the EverWeb website.

Do you have a feature that you would like to see in EverWeb? Or perhaps a feature that you would like enhanced or expanded upon? Let us know in the Comments Section below!

Organizing Page Assets In To Folders in EverWeb

Thursday, August 18th, 2022

If you find organizing your website’s image assets in EverWeb’s Assets list to be a necessary, but tedious activity that takes a lot of time to do, EverWeb 3.8 has the perfect solution for you!

If you have a small website with just a few images in it, you probably will not need to organize your image assets in the Assets List at all. If, however, your website uses a lot of images, or has images added to it on a daily, or regular basis, then organizing these image assets can be important, but also something that you want done quickly and painlessly.

Organizing Your Images

The first thing about the image files the you use in your website is that it is always a good idea to name your images as something memorable before you import them in to EverWeb. Photo image files are typically a good example as cameras and mobile phones often label image files using a sequential letter/number sequence which means that it is going to be harder to identify the image without looking at it first. So, if you have one or more images you want on your website, label the file name with some form of relevant descriptive name.

The other good reason for naming your image files with a descriptive name is that it is good for your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)! Choose a file name that describes as best as possible what the image itself is about. Again, this is something that is best done before you import your images in to the Assets List in EverWeb. If, however, you have already imported images that do not have SEO friendly file names, you can rename the files in question by double clicking on their file names in the Assets List and changing the name there. This is an adequate workaround but not as good as natively importing image files with good SEO names.

Asset List Folders

Since EverWeb 3.0 you have been able to organize your image assets in to folders and subfolders. There’s even a Search box so you can quickly locate image assets in the Assets Tab if you need to. Another quick method of finding an asset in the Assets List, if you already know the file name, is to use predictive search. Just click on the Assets tab then click on the first asset in the list and start typing the name of the asset you are looking for. EverWeb will use your keyboard input to locate the file quickly as you type.

In our latest version 3.8 release of EverWeb, you can now collect together all of the image assets of a specific page in to their own dedicated folder in the Assets List just with a couple of mouse clicks! It’s super easy to do and will help you get your Assets List organized in no time!

Creating a Folder for Image Assets on the Current Page

  1. Start by selecting the page you want to create an Assets List folder for.
  2. Click on the Assets Tab. 
  3. Click on the Settings Cog/Button and choose the option ‘Select All Assets On Current Page’. 
  4. You will notice that all of the image assets on the current page will be highlighted in the Assets List.
  5. Now click on the ‘+’ button to add a new Assets List folder.
  6. Name the folder as required e.g. the name of the current page.
  7. The selected assets will now be added in to your new folder.
  8. Repeat the above steps for other pages whose assets you want to group in the same manner.

The new Assets List feature is a simple, yet quick and effective way to keep your image assets manageable and organized in page related folders. Let us know in the Comments Section below if you this feature is useful and what other asset related features you would like to see in future versions of EverWeb!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






What’s New in EverWeb 3.8: New UI, Contact Form Features, Assets List Features, Instant Preview and More!

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

We are super excited to announce the release of EverWeb 3.8 with a revamped UI, a new mass mailing feature for Contact Forms Enhanced Addon, a New Asset List feature to help you group image assets page by page, Instant Preview, new Blogging features and much more! You can find the full list of new and improved features below as well as the usual bug fixes!

Which Version of EverWeb is For You?

EverWeb is available in the following versions:

  • If you are running an Intel Mac running OS X 10.10, macOS Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur or Monterey EverWeb version 3.8 is available for you.
  • If you are running an Apple Silicon Mac running macOS Monterey or Big Sur, EverWeb version 3.8 is available for you as a Universal Binary. EverWeb will run natively without the need to use Rosetta 2.
  • If you are running OS X 10.7 – 10.9 (Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks) EverWeb version 2.9.1 is available for you.
  • If you are running OS X 10.6 EverWeb version 2.5.2 is available for you.

When updating to the latest version of EverWeb, the update process will automatically download the correct version of EverWeb for your operating system.

EverWeb 3.8 Includes…

[NEW] Contact Form Advanced option ‘Mail Sending’ lets you select ‘EverWeb’ for email sending. You won’t have to use SMTP details and it will work with any web host and any email.

[NEW] The Assets list now has an option to select all assets on the current page. You can then click the new folder button and EverWeb will put all the selected widgets into that folder.

[NEW] Instant Preview: If you use the ‘Preview on Server’ option in Preferences->General->Use Preview Server, EverWeb does not have to regenerate all pages. Previews will be instant now.

[NEW] Updated UI for the Projects Window-> a down arrows replaces the up-down arrow for users running macOS older than macOS Big Sur.

[NEW] Redesigned Toolbar icons if you use macOS Big Sur or later.

[NEW] New UI when updating widget previews in the Design Canvas.

[NEW]New option in the Assets List to ‘Select all Assets’ on the current page.

[NEW] The Blog Post Header and Date fields can now be left, center, or right aligned.

[NEW] Image padding is available for the blog post cover image.

[NEW] More expanded inline Help messages.

[IMPROVED] Dragging and dropping from Photos will attempt to get the caption used for the photo.

[IMPROVED] Using Preview on Server option in Preferences will make it so you don’t have to regenerate the entire site when publishing, it will only generate the current page.

[IMPROVED] The Image Gallery Widget has a new navigation icon in the top right corner of the widget, on macOS Big Sur or later, to move the widget around the page.

[IMPROVED] Big improvement to widget generation time on M1 Macs.

[FIX] Fix for frame image settings when previewing.

[FIX] Fixed frames issue in the Responsive Row Widget.

[FIX] Fixed crash with some widgets on M1 MacsNew Contact Form Advanced option ‘Mail Sending’ that lets you select ‘EverWeb’ for email sending. You won’t have to use SMTP details and it will work with any web host and any email.

[FIX] Fixed problem with some links with anchors in them.

[FIX] Fixed FlexBox widget linking options.

[FIX] Fixed a problem with mobile pages and Instant Previews.

[FIX] If SEO PowerUp has expired but the Optimize for Search engines option is still selected, the user will be notified.

How To Update To EverWeb 3.8

You can easily update EverWeb by either:

  1. Launching EverWeb then going to the EverWeb menu at the top of the screen and selecting ‘Check for Update’ or by
  2. Downloading EverWeb from the EverWeb website.

After downloading EverWeb, double click on the EVERWEB.DMG file. A window will open. Drag the EverWeb icon on to the Applications folder icon. Once the file has been copied, you can close the installation window, delete the .DMG file and eject the EverWeb disk on the desktop by dragging it to the Trashcan.

Remember, you won’t lose any previous data when updating as your website project files are stored elsewhere on your computer.

The update is free for EverWeb + Hosting users and EverWeb Standalone users who are within their 1 year of free upgrades and support period.

You can easily check your EverWeb Standalone free update period from EverWeb’s Preferences window or from your client area.

If you have passed your one year of free EverWeb updates, you can purchase 1 more year of upgrades and support from your client area.

You can easily re-download earlier versions of EverWeb from your client area if you are not ready to purchase an additional year of updates and support.

Login to your client area and go to the ‘Manage Product’ page. On the left of this page, select ‘Downloads’ and choose the version of EverWeb that you need.

More Information About EverWeb

For more information about the new version of EverWeb, please check out the following resources:

  • The EverWeb website which has up to the moment information in it’s blogging section
  • New EverWeb videos on YouTube
  • The EverWeb User Manual in EverWeb’s Help-> User Manual menu
  • The EverWeb Discussion Forum

If you can’t find what you need, or have any other questions, comments or feedback please let us know. We’re happy to help.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






Exploring the EverWeb Client Area

Monday, July 25th, 2022

When you purchase EverWeb, as part of the purchasing process, you create your EverWeb client account for the type of product you have purchased – EverWeb+Hosting or EverWeb Standalone if you use your own hosting. Your account is set up in what we refer to as your ‘EverWeb Client Area’.

Why Do I Need An EverWeb Account?

Once you have setup your EverWeb customer account and purchased EverWeb, you need to enter the same account email address and password in EverWeb itself. To do this, log in to EverWeb, then enter your login details using the EverWeb-> Preferences-> Account menu option. Once you have entered in your account email address and password, check the box Add to Keychain so you do not need to login again. Under your login details, you will then see the products and services that you have purchased and their ‘Next Due Date’.

It is important to login in EverWeb itself because without these details you will not be able to publish your website to the Internet! The other important reason for having an EverWeb account is that it enables you to do some behind the scenes administration tasks if you need to. In this post, we will be giving you an overview of some of these features!

Logging In To Your EverWeb Client Area

There are a few ways in which you can log in to your EverWeb Client Area.

  1. Using your browser. In your browser go to the following URL: Enter your EverWeb account email and password to login to your EverWeb Client Area.
  2. In EverWeb go to the File-> Edit Publishing Settings menu option, then click on the ‘Manage Account’ button in the bottom right hand corner.
  3. Again in EverWeb, use the EverWeb-> Preferences-> Account menu option and again click on the Manage Account button in the right hand corner under your product details.

EverWeb Client Area Features

Your EverWeb Client Area is probably a part of EverWeb’s eco-system that you will not use very often but it is worth knowing what it does offer you. Below is a list of some of the Client Area’s main features:

  1. Support Ticket logging and tracking.
  2. Purchased Product and Renewal notifications.
  3. Account Administration.
  4. Email Administration (EverWeb+Hosting only).
  5. Contact Forms Enhanced Addon Administration (if purchased).
  6. Website Metrics (EverWeb+Hosting only).
  7. Webmail Access (EverWeb+Hosting only).
  8. Domain Services.
  9. Access to the EverWeb Discussion Forum.
  10. Available Product Downloads.
  11. EverWeb Knowledgebase.

The Client Area Dashboard

Once you have logged in to your Client Area, you will see a dashboard of your main customer details and purchases. If you click on any one of the dashboard boxes – Services, Domains, Tickets or Invoices – you will be taken to the relevant page for that feature.

Client Area features can also be listed down the left hand side of the page you are currently on so, for example, on the dashboard page your own Client information is displayed so that you can edit and update it easily if you need to. You will also see on this screen your Client Area account contacts, shortcuts etc. In addition if you have purchased EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced Addon you will have access to your Contact Forms Submissions from this screen.

The options in the left hand side of each page of the Client Area are context sensitive so that you will always see only the options that are relevant to what you are doing at the time.

Quick Client Area Tools and Tips!

There are lots of options to explore in the Client Area, but here are some of the typically most popular things that you may want to do…

  • Log a Support Ticket: Just click on the ‘Open Ticket’ menubar option. To quickly check the status of any existing just click on the Tickets dashboard button.
  • Using the EverWeb Knowedgebase: There is a wealth of information in EverWeb’s knowledgebase. Just click on the Support-> Knowledgebase menu option and enter your question in the search box.
  • When are my products an services renewing? You can quickly find out when your EverWeb products or services are going to renew just by clicking on the Services dashboard button.
  • When is my domain going to renew? In this case, just click on the Domains dashboard button to see your domain history and when any active domain will be up for renewal.
  • How do I gedownload my version of EverWeb? If you ever need to redownload the latest version of EverWeb you purchased you can do so easily via the Support-> Downloads menu option.

All the Options You Need…

In this post we have given you a top level view of EverWeb’s Client Area. There are a lot of features that we have only mentioned briefly or have not covered at all. If you take the time to explore the menu options in the Client Area you will find a wealth of configuration options. Some of these are quite technical so our advise is not to change anything unless you are 100% knowledgeable about what you are doing. If not, you can always ask out Support Team who will happy to help and guide you as needed.

Please let us know if you have any questions on the EverWeb Client Area, we are here to help!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






EverWeb’s Contact Form Advanced Widget Primer!

Sunday, July 10th, 2022

When EverWeb launched back in November 2013, it came with a number of ‘widgets’ which help to extend the reach of EverWeb without the need to modify EverWeb’s core features and functionality in the process. Widgets were a familiar, but limited, feature of Apple’s defunct iWeb website builder that EverWeb has capitalized and expanded upon since its inception.

The Original Contact Form Widget

The very first version of EverWeb included the Contact Form widget which provided similar features to those found in iWeb. The widget features five fields for visitors to fill in so is super simple and quick to use. In fact, the widget remains essentially unchanged since its launch in the current 3.7 version of EverWeb. The only real update has received has been to to make it a full width capable widget for use in responsive website design.

So, why has the widget not been developed further? The answer lies in its successor, the Contact Form Advanced Widget!

Introducing the Contact Forms Advanced Widget

The Contacts Form Advanced widget was introduced in EverWeb version 2.0 to give EverWeb users a widget that was highly flexible, customizable and secure. The original Contact Form widget is still provided for when your needs are very simple or for legacy usage.

Our recommendation is that, wherever possible, you use the Contact Forms Advanced widget. If you are still using the original Contact Form widget you may want to replace it with the Advanced version of the widget. There are three good reasons for doing so:

  1. The newer widget is more secure against spam due to its security measures both internal to the widget and through the use of Google’s reCAPTCHA tool if it is implemented in the form.
  2. The Contact Form Advanced widget has gained a host of customizable features since its launch and its existing features are also often expanded, or improved, upon. We will be looking at the widget’s main features of the widget later on.
  3. You can expand the widget’s capabilities with the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon, which is available to purchase from your EverWeb Client Area.

Security & Form Validation Features

The Contact Forms Advanced widget uses your SMTP details to provide a more secure way of making sure that your form does not get hijacked by spammers or malware bots taking over your form. Although entering your SMTP details may be time consuming, it is a one off operation that will help keep your form secure. Instructions are provided on how to enter your SMTP details for both EverWeb+Hosting customers and for those of you who use your own hosting provider.

The other security option the form uses is Google’s reCAPTCHA anti-spam tool. All you need to do sign up for the the service and generate the Site and Security Keys for the site you want to use reCAPTCHA with. When using the form, your visitor will need to verify that they are human by clicking on photos of objects presented to them.

One of the other important features of a contact form is its validation and confirmation for the visitor that the form has been sent. The widget includes validation (e.g. when using required fields in the form) and allows you to provide a customized Email message to the person submitting the form once the ‘Send’ button has been clicked upon.

Using Form Controls

The cornerstone feature of the Contact Form Advanced widget is its Form Controls. A Form Control is a user defined field that can usually be fully customized e.g. you could have a text field, an email field, a header field or a drop down menu field. When you select the Form Control you want to use, you will see the options that are appropriate for the control within the Widget Settings. There are seventeen Form Control types to choose from. This means that you can design your contact form confident that there will always be the right Form Control available to use in it. Some Form Controls, such as the Radio Button, you can even import your options list from an external text file if you want.

Form Controls can be designated as ‘required’ so that anyone using the form must complete the required field before they can send the form.

To help guide your visitors on how to complete fields in the form, the widget has two options: Placeholder Text lets you add help text within the field itself. When a visitor starts to type in the field, this help text is then replaced by the visitor’s input. The second help option is to use the Control Instruction/Tip field which can be used to display help text under the field in question.

Formatting Options

The Contact Form Advanced widget gives you the control and finesse that you need to customize the look of your contact form so that it will blend in perfectly with your website. Many of the Form Controls have their own font options so you can mix and match as you need.

Formatting options can also be applied to the contact form’s Send button as you can use the text you want, in the style you want, or you can opt to use a button image, which like a hyperlink has normal, mouse down and mouse over options. As a third alternative you can also use EverWeb’s Styled Button to design your own button, a feature which can also be found in other EverWeb widgets.

The EverWeb Contact Forms Enhanced Addon

The EverWeb Contact Forms Enhanced Addon was introduced in EverWeb 3.0 taking the ability of the Contact Form Advanced widget further. If you purchase the add-on, when visitors use your contact form, the data they input into the contact form is stored by EverWeb in a dedicated secure area on our servers so it can be used later. This is great if you want to build up a mailing list, or you have specific contact forms for different purposes. You can analyse the data returned for each of your contact forms and download it for use in a spreadsheet if desired.

The Contact Forms Enhanced Addon also allow your visitors to upload files to a dedicated secure area in your EverWeb Client Area so you can then download them at your convenience later.

EverWeb’s Contact Form Advanced widget is an incredibly powerful contact form tool and when used with the Contact Forms Enhanced Addon, takes managing and analysing your contact form data to the next level.

If you have any questions about the Contact Form Advanced widget, Contact Forms Enhanced Addon or EverWeb itself, please let us know in the Comments Section below.

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Integrate Your App In To EverWeb!

Thursday, June 23rd, 2022

When you create your website, you’re doing more than just creating your online presence. You are actually creating a hub for your online world that can, if you want, stretch across the whole of the Internet. The website that you have created in EverWeb can easily be used to extend the reach of your online universe through integrating your site with other apps. Increasing the reach of your site will give it more visibility, help better facilitate communication with your site’s target audience, helps get you more visitors and sales, as well as improving your SEO as well.

Integrating EverWeb with other apps and programs is easy and there is an ever increasing list of integrations to be found listed on the EverWeb site.

Here are just some of the ways you can integrate EverWeb with the rest of the electronic universe!


Email has been a core feature of our lives for many a year, be it for work or for pleasure, email is an essential tool in our online world. Integrating with EverWeb is easy, just select the piece of text, or object, you want to link your email address to then go to the Hyperlinks Inspector. Click on the dropdown menu in the ‘Link To’ field then select ‘An Email Message’. Then all you have to do is to enter in the email address you want and the email subject. Once finished, publish your site and test!

If you have an EverWeb+Hosting plan you can also link you email to an external email app such as Apple Mail, or to an webmail client service such as Horde or Squirrel. To find out more about how to set up links to these apps and services, just go to the Site Publishing Settings screen in EverWeb and check out the links in the Email Addresses section. You can also find links for setting up email on our YouTube channel.

Adding Buttons To Your Site

The second way to integrate other apps and programs into your site is through adding buttons. EverWeb comes with 10 built in buttons that can be added to the pages of your site. The buttons listed are designed for use with email apps and social media, such as FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram. to add a button to your page, go to the Insert-> Button menu option. Choose the button you want from the list. You will then be asked to link the button to the associated app e.g. if you chose Twitter, you would add in your Twitter handle. The button by default is 64 x 64 pixels. To change the size of the button, it is best to select the button, then go to the Metrics Inspector. Check the ‘Constrain Proportions’ checkbox so the button retains its shape then change the height or width of the button as desired.

Start the Conversation with a Blog!

EverWeb’s blogging feature is a great way to expand on topics you don’t have space for in the regular pages of your site. It’s also a great way to announce events, sales etc. It’s also a great way to engage with your target audience in a way in which you can control through a Comments Section. EverWeb supports two Comment Engines: Disqus and FaceBook Comments. Once you have signed up for the service you want to use, just add the Disqus shortname or FaceBook App ID in to the Comment Options section of the blog Posts and you’re in business!

For more detailed information about which Comment Engine you should use, how to sign up for a Comment Engine and how to integrate your Comment Engine in to EverWeb, check out the chapter on blogging in the EverWeb User Manual.

Widgets, Widgets, Widgets!

Widgets are the ideal way in which you can integrate features from other apps and programs in to your website without having to leave EverWeb. Widgets also bring the most common features that you need in to one place so you can often be more efficient using the Widget Settings for e.g. the PayPal widget rather than searching through PayPal to find all the settings you need… Furthermore, widgets are often updated to add new and updated features from the original app. The PayPal widget in EverWeb 3.7, for example, gained a new discounts for order quantity feature that many users had requested.

If there’s an app that you want to hook into from EverWeb that’s not currently available, you can either ask us directly about it in the Feature Request page on the EverWeb Discussion forum, or check out the widgets that have been developed by third party widget providers such as EverWeb Garden and EverWeb Widgets.

Finding The Hook…

Sometimes finding a hook in to the app of your choice may not be easy. There are literally millions of apps out there, so it will always be the most popular apps that will have the best chance of a widget being developed. However, third party widget providers may also make a custom widget for you and there’s always another option: The HTML Snippet Widget.

Many apps have a way in which you can link to them through some user specific generated HTML Code. You then copy this code and paste it in to EverWeb’s HTML Snippet widget to establish the link that you need. So if you need to find the hook from EverWeb to your app, check out your app’s features to see if it offers this kind of linking.

EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced Addon

If you use EverWeb’s Contact Form Advanced widget you may want to store and work with the data that you gather from your contact forms. You can easily link your contact form data using EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced Addon. The data collected in the contact forms is stored securely and can then be exported Excel or CSV formats making contact form data analysis and mailing lists based on specific criteria easy to create.

integrating with EverWeb is usually incredibly straight forward. If you need to integrate your app with EverWeb but don’t know how, or if it is possible, let us know and we will see if we can find an easy way to make it possible!

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Adding SEO to Your Blog Posts in EverWeb!

Friday, June 10th, 2022

If you are a blogger you will probably know already that creating blog posts with unique content on a regular basis can be great for your SEO! Blogs are great for ‘longer form’ reading and for when space on your site’s regular pages doesn’t allow you to provide for in-depth explanations, analysis or information on the subject at hand.

Blogging is good for your SEO and EverWeb allows you to create text rich content that you can complement with images and media too. Additionally, whilst most websites remain relatively static with their pages only being updated on a relatively infrequent basis, blogging often is a regular change to your site’s content and so helps keep you visible to web crawlers!

SEO and Your Blog Post’s Content

Getting the most out of your blog posts to maximise your SEO impact takes a bit of knowledge about how SEO works and how you can implement it within your EverWeb created posts. The first thing we recommend is to review the SEO for EverWeb Video course. Whilst this course may not be specifically tailored for bloggers, it does give you SEO basics that can be applied to blog posts as well as to the regular pages in your site. As a bonus, the course may also help you review your regular pages for SEO! As an example, you should usually try to put your SEO keywords in to the first two paragraphs of your post if possible. Always remember, though, that you should not sacrifice your content just for the sake of adding keywords in to your post or page.

The second important thing to remember when blogging is to keep your content unique. One of the tricks to blogging is that you will usually have some ‘evergreen’ content. This is the blogging content that you can recycle on a regular basis e.g. getting started information, annual events and so on… The catch comes if you just lift content from your old post, change a few words, then publish it as a new blog post. For web crawlers, that equates to plagiarising your own work and your SEO will get dinged for it as a result. The key to evergreen content is to use the theme (e.g. ‘Getting Stared with EverWeb’) but put a new spin, or twist, on the theme and create something new from that point.

Choose a Format for Your Blog Post

When writing a blog post, typically you should choose an approach, or style, that suits the post. Usually this will fall in to one of the following categories:

  • How to do something post
  • Step by step tutorial post
  • A post based on one or more lists
  • An opinion based post
  • Product or service review post
  • Comparison review post

Framing your post in one of these ways together with putting your own spin on your post will help not only garner new visitors to your post, but will ultimately help your SEO. Try looking at posts from other bloggers who are in a similar field or market to find out what you think is successful or not in terms of approach and format for your own blog.

Implementing SEO in Your EverWeb Blog Posts

Whilst content is king in your blog posts, there are several things you can do in EverWeb’s blogging environment that will help give your SEO a boost…

Short Summaries and Keywords

Your blog will always benefit by adding a short piece of text explaining to your potential visitor what the post is about. If you perform a search in your browser for the post, you will see in the results set that the short piece of explanatory text is shown beneath the blog post title. If you do not add explanatory text, you will see the first few lines of the post instead, so you always have a choice here as to whether to use explanatory text or not.

EverWeb calls this explanatory text a ‘Short Summary’. To add a Short Summary, just highlight the blog post in the Blog Post List then click on the settings cog and select Edit… A dialog box will appear where you can enter in your Short Summary. If possible, and appropriate, include SEO keywords too.

Adding Keywords In To Your Post

Whilst you could add your SEO Keywords in to your Post, it may be more beneficial to use the dedicated Keywords section below the Short Summary to add in your SEO Keywords. This has the advantage of avoiding the need to try to use the Short Summary to do everything SEO when it is not necessary to do so. When adding keywords, choose one or two only.

Add ALT Text to Your Post Cover Image

Adding ALT Text to your Blog Post Cover Image makes it easier for those who are vision impaired or when your browser fails to display the image. This is when the ALT Text comes in to effect as it will display the text for you in place of the image. So, make your ALT Text descriptive about what the image represents. If possible you can also use your SEO Keywords here if it is appropriate to do so. You should always use ALT Text with your images if appropriate to do so, and its use can also have a knock on SEO benefit.

If you are using EverWeb 3.7.1 or higher, your blog post image will also be used if you are social media sharing on Twitter, LinkedIn or FaceBook.

Add ALT Text to Images in the Blog Post Editor

If you have added images directly in to the text of your post, you can also add ALT Text to these images too. Just select the image in the Blog Post Editor Window. You will then see the Image Editor Toolbar. This may appear above or below the image. If you do not see the toolbar, it may be that you need to drag the splitter line that sits between the blog post editor window and the blog post preview window down to reveal the Toolbar. Once the Toolbar is visible, click on the ‘I’ icon and enter in your ALT Text.

Remember Your Blog Post’s Title!

The final thing to remember with your post is its title. Again, make sure that this is as SEO friendly as you can make it, but again, do not compromise this in order to try boost your SEO. Content first is always the rule before SEO.

Blogging in EverWeb is easy and straightforward. Adding SEO to your posts may take a bit of research and dedication to implement, but is worth it for the SEO rewards!

Responsive Row Revamped in EverWeb 3.7!

Thursday, May 26th, 2022

If you are designing a responsive website in EverWeb, you are most likely to have used the Responsive Row widget at some time in your page design. This venerable widget debuted in EverWeb 2.8 when we launched responsive website design capability. The Responsive Row widget came along with the FlexBox, Text Section and Responsive Image Gallery widgets providing core functionality to EverWeb’s responsive page design feature.

The Responsive Row widget is a unique in that it is the only widget that you can contain another widget and this is also its main purpose. When designing a responsive website, there may be times where you might want to use a fixed width widget, for example, the PayPal or FaceBook Like widget. The fixed width nature of these widgets means, however, that they cannot be used on their own and so need to be placed within a container – the Responsive Row widget.

This is not to say though that the Responsive Row widget is limited to use with fixed width widgets. You can add any widget in to it e.g. you might want to group FlexBox, or Text Section, widgets together in a row. Furthermore, the widget is great for full width background images, spacing objects and for padding when using widgets that do not have their own top and bottom margins options. You can even create slide shows too using the recently introduced Fill Slideshow option.

Remember, though, that there are also plenty of times where using a Responsive Row widget can be complete overkill. Check out our blog ‘Responsive Row: To Use or Not To Use’ to find out how to work smart with the widget!

Responsive Row Gets Visual!

One of the goals for EverWeb 3.7 was to make the Responsive Row widget easier to use so that you could better see the objects that you were moving around within a Responsive Row or if you were moving objects from one Responsive Row to another.

With this in mind, EverWeb 3.7 now displays the object you are moving as you move it. If you select more than one object in the Responsive Row to move to a different location within the Responsive Row, you will now see that the selected objects are visually stacked as you move them ‘en-masse’. This makes dragging and dropping objects much easier and intuitive to do than previously. The same principle applies if you are moving on or more objects between one Responsive Row and another.

Secondary Clicking Options

The second goal improving the Responsive Row widget in EverWeb 3.7 was to make it easier to remove objects from a Responsive Row. As you ma know already, you can right click on objects in a Responsive Row widget to select, and move, them to other Responsive Row widgets. In EverWeb 3.7 you can now detach an object from a Responsive Row by secondary (right) clicking on the object you want to remove from the Repsonsive Row, then selecting the ‘Remove from Responsive Row’ option. The object will now be ‘detached’ from the Responsive Row and will become a free floating object.

More Help and Tips!

The final goal third goal for the Responsive Row, and EverWeb in general, with version 3.7 was to improve context sensitive help. You may also have noticed that generally in EverWeb 3.7 there are more context sensitive help dialog boxes. Most of these dialog boxes can be checkboxed so that you do not see them again if you don’t want them visible again. If you change your mind later on, you can reverse this by going to the EverWeb-> Preferences-> General menu option and click on the “Reset ‘Don’t Show Again’ Dialogs” button which is also new EverWeb 3.7 feature.

The wider use of context sensitive messages in EverWeb 3.7 also extends to the Responsive Row widget! We also added a new message box for when you add a Responsive page to your site. You now see a brief description of what a responsive site it and that you can use the Responsive Row widget within your responsive page design if you need to.

We hope that the changes to the Responsive Row widget and the addition of more context sensitive help makes working on responsive pages even easier than before. Let us know what you think in the Comments Section below!

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