Using SEIntelligence On A RapidWeaver Website – Part 1

November 16th, 2012

SEIntelligence’s user base consists of many RapidWeaver users. While making SEIntelligence’s recommended changes within SEIntelligence is always an option, we recommend RapidWeaver users to make the changes within the RapidWeaver application.

The reason for this is because over time, as you update your website, you will be able to publish your site straight from RapidWeaver, rather than add an extra step of re-loading your site in SEIntelligence, and then publishing from SEIntelligence.

You will still use SEIntelligence to analyze your website and learn how to make it more search engine efficient, but the changes will be made in RapidWeaver. The video below illustrates the easy process to accomplish this task. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this tutorial, which will cover the Site Settings section of SEIntelligence, and how to modify those for a RapidWeaver built website.


If you are a RapidWeaver user, here is how to most efficiently use SEIntelligence on your website.

The first thing you need to do, is make sure the pages on your site have keywords listed in the meta keywords section. To do this, select the page on the left hand side, and then click on the Page Info page. Then click on the Header tab. Next, click the Plus button for the Meta tags box. Under the Name category, type in keywords. Under the Content category, type in the key-terms that you want to be associated with this particular page. Key-terms, can be as many words in length as you want. Just remember to separate each of the key-terms with commas. Repeat this process for the rest of the pages on your site.

Your next step is to export your website from RapidWeaver to a location on your hard drive. For simplicity, I like to export the website directly to my desktop, so I suggest you do the same.

When the site has been exported is on your hard drive, launch SEIntelligence and choose the first option which is to optimize website for search engines.

Select the first option which says Open local website folder. Type in your website’s domain without http or www, and then select the Choose button. Highlight your website folder and click Open. Then click on the Next button.

Your website will now load in SEIntelligence. Now, we’ll perform the competitive analysis so that we can compare our website’s to the website’s we compete with. We’ll do this one page at a time, so click on one of your pages in the left hand side. You should notice your keywords appear in the keywords column.

Next, click on the Get Competitors button. When the search is complete, you will see the results in this section here.

Just below these results, you will see the recommendations and suggestions for your website. SEIntelligence does have the ability for users to make these changes right from within the application, however, for a RapidWeaver use, what we suggest is to read over the suggestions, and then make the changes to your site in RapidWeaver itself. If you are not sure how or where to make these changes in RapidWeaver, make sure to check out our free SEO For RapidWeaver video course. In that video course, you will find where to make all of these changes. So for example, if you wanted to know how to change your title tags, you would click on this video called “Title tags: the most important optimization technique”

When you are all done making your changes to your site in RapidWeaver, what you can then do is once again, export your website from RapidWeaver to that very same location as when you first exported the site.

Now you can re-launch SEIntelligence, and select your website from the Existing Projects column to load the newly exported site.

Now, once again, click on the page name, and then select Get Competitors. Once again, search for your competitors. When the search is complete, read over the recommendations at the bottom to ensure that you have made that changes correctly. If your changes have been made correctly, you will see messages with happy faces beside them. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with your website’s optimizations.

Facebook Contest – Win Our SEO Bundle

November 12th, 2012

We are currently running a contest on our Facebook page. We are asking our users to post a comment about what they like best about our software. One lucky commenter will receive our SEO Bundle, a $299.95 value, absolutely free.

If you have yet to Like us on Facebook, do so now, and tell us your story! Entries must be submitted by Friday Novemeber 16.

How To Add A Pinterest Pin It Button To An iWeb Site

November 9th, 2012

A short while ago, we posted a video about Pinterest and how it is yet another social media platform that businesses can and should be utilizing. The below tutorial will show you how you can add a Pinterest ‘Pin It’ button to your site made in iWeb. The more ‘re-pins’ your images have, the more likely they are to be seen by more people. More people seeing your image could result in more traffic to your website, and hopefully more sales.


In this video, I’m going to show you how to add a Pinterest Pint It button to your iWeb site. If you are not familiar with Pinterest, please see our video tutorial outlining what Pinterest is and how to use it.

To add a Pinterest ‘Pin It’ button to your website in iWeb, visit your website and locate the image that you want to have the Pin It button for. Locate the URL of the image. You can usually find this by doing a secondary click on the image and then selecting Copy Image Address.

Open up a new tab in your web browser and visit Scroll down a bit until you see Pin It Buttons for Web Sites.

Paste the URL that you just copied into the second text box. Right above the text box it should read URL of the image to pin. Now just quickly go back to your site, and copy the URL of the page that contains that image. Then paste that URL in the first text box which reads URL of the page to pin. You can paste the page’s URL first, and then the image’s URL, it doesn’t matter, but they must go into their respective boxes. Before we do anything else, I want you to take a look at the drop down menu next to Pin Count. You have three options to choose from here, so select the option you like best.

Next, you can put in a description of what is being pinned if you’d like. You will notice that some code has appeared at the bottom after we pasted our second URL. Highlight the code in the first box, just like I am doing, and copy it.

Now open your site in iWeb to the page that contains the same image that you are pinning. Drag and HTML Snippet onto the page, and paste the code. You should notice a box appear, but that box should be empty. Expand this box a bit so that the Pin It button is a bit larger.

If you selected one of the options for showing the pin count, head back to the Pinterest page we were just on, and copy the code located in the second box. Now go back to iWeb, and in that very same HTML Snippet we pasted the Pin It button in, paste this code at the very end. If you missed what I just did, just rewind and watch this step again.

You can add as many Pin It buttons to your site as you want. Just repeat the exact same process we just did. You will not be able to see the Pin It button visible in iWeb, but once you publish the site, you will be able to see it when you visit your page online.

SEIntelligence 2.7 Adds More Back links, Retina Support

November 6th, 2012

We’ve just updated SEIntelligence to version 2.7 and added a bunch of great new additions. We updated the user interface an also added support for retina Macs.

In addition, SEIntelligence can now get more back links for your website and your competitors. It also supports HTML 5 now.

SEIntelligence is the most powerful, native SEO software for Mac OS X. It uses statistical analysis to compare your website to the current top ranking websites in all major search engines. It will tell you exactly what you need to change on your site to rank higher and get more website visitors.

In addition to comparing your website to your top competitors, it also includes a powerful back link checker. It can find every websites linking to both your site and your competitors. It gets important details about these backlinks such as Google PageRank, Facebook Likes, Google+ Likes, and much more.

SEIntelligence works great with any website builder including; iWeb, RapidWeaver, Sandvox, Flux, Dreamweaver and even works with content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and more.

Download the demo version of SEIntelligence today to try it out. This update is free for registered users.

How To Pin An Image In Pinterest

November 5th, 2012

Pinterest is a site that showcases popular images posted by users. Images are linked back to the original site that they were posted from. This can be utilized as a marketing tool if you have nice images displaying your products that you have for sale on your site. This short video will show you how to ‘pin’ your images so that other Pinterest users can see them.


Pinterest is another great way to promote your businesses products, and hopefully catch the attention of users browsing the site. Think of Pinterest as a bulletin board where users pin images to. Users can then click on the image and be taken to the website where the image was pinned from.

Images with many repins will be the ones you see on the main bulletin board at

So how can you pin some images from your website? First, click on the Join Pinterest button. You can sign up with your Facebook account, twitter account, or using your email address. Any of the three options will do. I’m going to fast forward through the sign up process as that is pretty basic, and just skip ahead to the part about pinning.

So once you have signed up and are logged in, go to

You should land on a page that looks similar to this. Locate the Pin It button, and drag and drop this button onto your bookmarks bar. So if you are using Safari, the process should look just like this.

Now, head over to your website and locate an image that you want to pin. Once you are on the page with that image, click on the Pin It button. You will then be shown all of the images on the page. Click on the image that you want to pin. A popup window should appear. If this is your first time pinning an image, you will need to create a board for it. The board is basically creating a new bulletin board for this image to be pinned on, since it cannot automatically be pinned on the main board at For my example, my business is called Jeremy’s Golf Shop, so that is what I will name this board. Then, all you need to do is click Pin It, and you’re done.

You can now pin more images if you want. You can add them to the same board that you just created, or create a new one if you want. You are not limited to pinning images just from your site. You can pin images from any website.

This can be a good marketing tool for users who sell items such as clothing or jewellery, or almost any product that would catch the eye of someone browsing through Pinterest.

For more helpful tips and tricks, please subscribe.

Sitemap Automator 2.6 Adds Retina Support; OS X 10.8 Support

October 15th, 2012

Sitemap Automator has been updated to version 2.6. This update adds support for Retina Macs, improved support for OS X Mountain Lion and improves website scanning.

Sitemap Automator creates XML Sitemaps for your website which helps search engines properly scan and index your website. With XML Sitemaps you can also get back important information such as why search engines aren’t indexing your website, who is linking to your website, the top search queries used to find your site and much more.

This update is free for registered users or $29.95 USD for new users. A free download is available on the download page.

How To Build A Website : Easily Building Your Own Website Using iWeb

October 10th, 2012

For those users who are still only now discovering iWeb, below is a quick video introduction to how you can easily build your own website. iWeb is a feature rich desktop application that lets users build a website by just dragging and dropping items on a canvas. If you have any questions about iWeb, be sure to leave a comment below.


In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can easily build your own website using an application called iWeb.

iWeb comes with 28 built-in templates, each consisting of 8 pages.

Let’s click on the first template, which is called White, and select the first page which is the Welcome page.

As you can see the page shows up on the left hand side. This page’s name is Welcome. Right above welcome, you will see another name, usually Site. This is the entire website’s name. So just to recap, you have the site name here, and the page name here. As we add more pages to the site, more page names will appear in this list. These page names can be changed to be whatever you want them to be.

Now if we take a look at the middle section where we will edit our sites, you will see that the template is pretty plain and standard. This is just meant to give the user an idea of what they can do with their sites. So let’s say you wanted to change the heading that reads Welcome to My Site, you can just double click on the text, and delete what is currently there, and type in whatever you want. You can also drag this heading around to wherever you want it to be placed on the site.

Let’s take a quick look at this image we have here. You can add or remove images from your site as you want. You can also resize the image to be whatever size you want. And of course you can drag the image around and move it wherever you want it to be.

If you ever want to add new text to your site, just click on the Text Box button, and begin typing.

You can also add shapes to your site, and change their sizes and colours as you please.

Adding a new page is as easy as clicking the Add Page button, selecting the page you want, and clicking on the Choose button. As mentioned earlier, the new page shows up in the column on the left.

These are the basic items you need to know in order to easily create a simple website. As you get more and more comfortable using iWeb, you will be able to create much more advanced and professional looking websites.

If you take a look at the icons on the right hand side, these will allow you to add items to your website such as a YouTube video, or almost any type of item that requires some sort of code or script.

To see more helpful videos about iWeb, be sure to subscribe. If you have any iWeb related question, feel free to interact with us and let us know.

SEO Frequently Asked Question – Title tag and Description Updating In Google

October 4th, 2012

We get a lot of questions from our customs at RAGE, many of which are quite similar. The video below identifies one of those questions and provides a clear answer. If you have any questions you think others may want to know the answer to, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on any of our great helpful tips and tricks videos.


This question comes from Shannon in Florida.

I recently learned that the title tag is what shows up as a site’s title in Google, as well as the meta description is what sometimes shows up right beneath the site title. Since I was not happy with what my results looked like in Google, I decided to change both the title tag and the meta description using SEIntelligence, but when I search for my site in Google, the old title and old description still appear. Why is this happening?

This is a very common question that we get from many users. The most important thing to keep in mind is that while your website changes appear as soon as you publish them, Google’s search results do not operate in real time. What this means essentially is that you just need to wait a bit so that Google can update their search results. How long does this update take? In some cases, it can be as quick as just a few days, but in most cases, allow for at least 3 weeks before seeing the changes appear in Google.

For more helpful tips and tricks, be sure to subscribe.

How To Publish Only Changes With iWeb SEO Tool

September 21st, 2012

If you want to speed up your publish time when uploading through iWeb SEO Tool, you can publish only your modified files in iWeb. The tutorial below will illustrate exactly what you need to do;


If you use iWeb 09, here is how you can publish only your modified files using iWeb SEO Tool.

First, when you make a change to one of your pages in iWeb, you will notice how the page icon turns from blue to red. Red indicates that a change has been made and that this page and all of its files must be republished. When you are finished making changes, make sure that you are publishing to a local folder on your hard drive, and then click on this Publish Site button in the lower left corner of the application. This will only publish the pages and files associated with those red icons.

Next, load the site in iWeb SEO Tool. Click on the Re-Apply Saved tags button. Make any changes you want if any, and then click on the Publish button. On this publish window, ensure that the option for Publish Entire Site is not checked. You can now upload only your changes. This will be the fastest way to publish your site through iWeb SEO Tool. If you were to publish your entire site each time, if would take longer to complete.

Remember, only use this method when you have made changes to your site. If this is your first time publishing with iWeb SEO Tool, you will want to make sure that the entire site is being published. After that initial publish, you can begin using this method.

How To Set Up A Mobile Friendly iWeb Site

September 18th, 2012

More and more users accessing the internet via their mobile devices. As a result it is important for the user experience that the webpages they browse look good on their hand-held devices. The video tutorial below will show you how you can create a mobile friendly version of your iWeb website. Users visiting your website on an iPhone or Android device will automatically be redirected to the mobile version of your website. Be sure to use the sample code for setting up the redirect:


In this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can create a mobile version of your iWeb website, so that users visiting your site on an iPhone or Android will be directed to your mobile friendly website.

In order to follow this tutorial completely, you must have a RAGE Web Hosting account. You can sign up for a hosting account

You will also need iWeb SEO Tool, or SEIntelligence, which are two applications offered by RAGE Software that allow you to add search engine optimization features to your website.

Our first step in the process will be to setup the address for the mobile site. If you have paid attention in the past to the addresses of websites you have visited on your phone, you may have noticed that typing in for example, will turn into – In this case, M represents mobile.

Now we must set it up so that your address will turn into something similar. The first thing you need to do is login to cPanel. Your cPanel login information was sent to you in your RAGE Web Hosting: New Account Information email. When you are logged in click on the icon that reads Subdomains.

In the Subdomain text field, type in mobile just like you see here. You will notice that your mobile URL will now be the combination of this subdomain plus your domain. So in my case, it will be Just a quick note, if you have multiple domains on your account, you can click this drop down menu to select the domain you want to use for the mobile site. You will notice that the Document Root field will automatically be filled with www/mobile. Take note of that because we will be using it later on in the video.

The next thing we are going to do is prepare our mobile sites in iWeb. What we will do is create a new site by going to File and selecting New Site. Since we want our mobile site to be mobile friendly, our best option is to choose the blank page. Now, I’m just going to get rid of this text box, and then disable the navigation menu. This is done by clicking on Inspector, and clicking on the Page tab, and unchecking the options to Include this page in the navigation menu, and DIsplay navigation menu. The reason we do this is because since we want to ensure mobile friendliness, we basically want a blank page and none of the page defaults from iWeb.

With the inspector window still opened to the Page tab, click on the Layout button, and change content width to 300 pixels. This is going to create a mobile size canvas for us to create our mobile sites on. Repeat this for all of the mobile pages you are going to make.

Now you can design a more mobile friendly version of your website. This can include images that are smaller in file size, and larger more compact text. It might be a good idea to visit some mobile friendly websites on your phone so you can get a better idea of how to design your mobile site. One tip is to always include a link to view your full site. A way to do this is to just create a text box that says View Full Site, highlight the text, open the Inspector window, go to the hyperlink tab, click to enable as hyperlink, and type in the non-mobile link for this respective page.

When you are done creating your Mobile friendly site, you will need to publish it. The important thing here is to publish the mobile site to that new subdomain that we just created.

So if you are using iWeb 09, you will go to the publish page by clicking on the site name, and select Publish to FTP server from the drop down menu. Customize the site name and contact email to your liking.

Input your server address, username, and password. In the Directory/Path field, type in the location of your subdomain, which if you remember from earlier, was www/mobile.

In the website URL field, make sure you type in your URL as In my case, I will type it in as

When you are all ready, click the Publish Site button to publish the site.

If you are using an older version of iWeb, publish this new mobile site like you would publish your regular site. The most important thing to remember is that you need to publish the site by putting www/mobile in the Directory Path field. If you forget to do this, it will not work, and you risk overwriting your original website, so do not forget about this step.

When the site has been published, you can visit it on your phone by going to to make sure everything looks the way you want it to. If not, go back to iWeb and make your changes and then publish the site once again.

Once you are satisfied with the mobile version of your site, there is one last thing that needs to be done in order to make the phone know to send the user to the mobile version of your site.

Go to In the search field, type in web hosting tutorials, and select the result that reads RAGE Web Hosting Video Tutorials. The direct link to that page is this. On this page, locate and click on the link that reads Setting Up A Mobile Friendly iWeb Site.

On this page, you will see this link that reads “Be sure to use the sample code for setting up the redirect” Click on this link and copy the code that will appear on the page that follows.

Now, before we paste this code somewhere, I want you to first publish your main website from iWeb to a local folder on your hard drive. Then load that local folder into iWeb SEO Tool, or SEIntelligence, whichever program you use. In this example, I am using iWeb SEO Tool, but the same principle applies to SEIntelligence.

With your website loaded in the tool, paste the code that we just copied in the head code section of the Site Settings tab. Replace the URL which reads to your mobile URL. If you are using SEIntelligence, open the Site Settings tab, and paste the code in the Header Code/Google Analytics box. Also replace the URL with your mobile URL.

If you have another code in this box, such as Google Analytics, just paste this code above it. Then click on the Apply To Entire Site button.