RAGE Web Hosting Sign Up Instructions
January 1st, 2012
Follow the steps below to register your domain and sign up for hosting.
1. Click here to open the sign up page.
2. With the first option selected () type in the domain that you wish to register and select the extension from the drop down menu. [Note: If you do not see the extension that you want in the list, you will need to email us.] When you are done click on the “Click To Continue” button.
3. If your domain is available to purchase, you should see it with a checkmark beside it and the status reading “Available! Order Now”. You can order more domains if you want, otherwise, select the “Click to Continue” button.
4. From the Billing Cycle drop down menu, select the billing cycle you want. If you want to purchase any of the add-ons, place a checkmark in the boxes. Please note that all prices shown are monthly prices unless otherwise noted. When you are done click on the “Add to Cart” button.
5. If you want ID Protection, check the box next to $10.00 USD. ID Protection protects the identity of the person registering the domain. When domains are registered, the personal information of the person registering can be accessed by the public. If you wish to hide your personal information, then order the ID Protection. When you are done, click on the “Update Cart” button.
6. Ensure your order is correct. If not, click on the “Start Over” button to begin the process again. If your order looks fine, click on the “Checkout” button.
7. Enter your information including payment information. [Note: If your credit card gets denied several times, your credit card company may be blocking it to protect you. Use PayPal as an alternative if you want the order to go through as soon as possible. When you are done, complete the order. You will then receive instructions in your email on what to do next.