SEO For Sandvox: Header Tags

August 20th, 2011

To see the SEO For Sandvox Video Course in its entirety, visit the SEO For Sandvox Video Course page.

Video Transcript:

In HTML, header tags are used by webmasters to display the headings on their pages. There are six types of header tags that can be used. What Sandvox users to need to know regarding header tags, is that there are 2 headers placed on each page. The first header is an h1, and is generally used for the title of the website. This header tag will remain constant from page to page on your website.

Another header tag, which is an h2 tag, is used as the title of the page and is located where the main part of the page begins. This is a great place for you to include a keyphrase that really illustrates what this particular page is about.

So for example, instead of having a header that reads something generic such as News, or Site Updates, take advantage of the header and give it a good keyword rich descriptive name. If this particular page is about Left Handed Golf Clubs, that is a phrase that might make a good header.
On a side note, an H3 tag is used when you are indexing content, so for example, the page title of a blog post, or photo page will show up with an H3 tag, so be sure to make keyword rich titles for those items.

How To Add A Facebook Like Button To An iWeb Site

August 19th, 2011

In our social networking world, having a Facebook page for your business can be extremely important. In this video, we’re going to show you how you can add a Facebook ‘like’ button to your site in iWeb.

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out our video on how to create a custom Facebook page that looks similar to your website.

Video Transcript:

To add a Facebook Like, button to your iWeb website, first go to the Facebook Developers Like Button page. You can pause the video here and type in this URL, or you can do a search for the phrase Facebook Like Button and click on the result for the Facebook Developers Like Button page.

In the Step 1 – Get Like Button Code form, first enter the URL for your Facebook page. If you are unsure of what this URL is, you can visit your Facebook page, and copy and paste the URL into this field.

If you would like to include this Send button, you can leave this box checked, otherwise, you can remove it.

For Layout Style, go through each option and choose the one that you like best.

You can leave the width at 450, or you can change it if you’d like.

You can also choose to show the faces of people who have liked your page. That option looks like this on a webpage.

And lastly, you can pick your font and colour scheme that you would like to use.

When you are done, press the Get Code button, and highlight the code that pops up in the window.

Now let’s open up iWeb, and drag an HTML snippet onto our page. Paste the code that we just copied into this HTML Snippet. You should be able to see your Facebook Like or Recommend button, and you can resize it and move it to a location on your site that fits best.

And that is how you add a Facebook Like button to an iWeb website. Be sure to check out our other helpful iWeb tips and tricks videos which are located in the SEO For iWeb Walkthrough Video Tutorial or our iWeb SEO blog

SEO For Sandvox: Alternative Text

August 16th, 2011

To see the SEO For Sandvox Video Course in its entirety, visit the SEO For Sandvox Video Course page.

Video Transcript:

Alternative image text, also known as alt tags or alt text, is an HTML attribute that is used to describe images. This attribute exists because an image may not always load in a browser, so in its place, the alt text will appear, letting the user know what should have shown up.

This attribute also gives us a good way of describing pictures to search engines, so that they can properly place them in image searches. In Sandvox, any image you place will automatically be given alternative text identical to the image file name. This is a great feature because it can save you a lot of time if you publish a lot of pictures and don’t feel like giving them all alt tags.

If you do, however, wish to make your alt text differ from the file name, click on the image and then press the Inspector button. Then press the Media tab which is the last tab all the way on the right. Here you can see the name of the image, which is something we spoke about in the Image Names video, and you can also see the field that says Alternate Text. Here is where you will type in your few words that describe the photo. You don’t need to worry about separating your words with dashes for this feature.

How To Embed A Forum On An iWeb Website

August 12th, 2011

Ever wanted to add a forum to your iWeb website? Well now you can. This quick tutorial will show you a very easy way to add a forum to an iWeb website. Also see our post on how to add a mailing list signup form to an iWeb website.

Video Transcript:

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can easily add a forum to your website in iWeb.

The first thing we’re going to do is open our web browser and go to

Next, click on the Start a Free Forum button. Type in a username that you want to use on the forum, and enter your e-mail address and a password.

Then think of the name that you want to give to your forum. Don’t worry too much about making the perfect name as you can easily change this later on.

You can put a description in if you want, otherwise leave it blank and type in the Captcha, and then press Create Forum.

When you are done, you will be taken to your forum. You will need to then open the confirmation e-mail that you will be sent, and then click to confirm. When you have been confirmed, your forum will look something like this.

Next, click on Options, and then select Embedding Options. Now highlight this embed code that you are given, and copy it.

Now let’s open up our sites in iWeb. Add a page by clicking Add Page, and selecting your template and then highlighting the Blank page and pressing the Choose button.

Delete the text box that says Text in it. Drag the HTML Snippet widget onto the page, and paste the embed code that we just copied.

Adjust the snippet so that the forum fits nicely on your page.

When you publish your site, your forum will be live and your users can begin having discussions.

SEO For Sandvox: Anchor Text

August 12th, 2011

To see the SEO For Sandvox Video Course in its entirety, visit the SEO For Sandvox Video Course page.

How To Add Buttons To An iWeb Website Using ButtonDesign

August 11th, 2011

In the following video tutorial, we are going to cover how to add custom buttons to your iWeb website using ButtonDesign. With these custom buttons, you can create your own navigation menu, or include other buttons such as Buy Now, Learn More, etc.

Video Transcript:

To add custom buttons to your iWeb website using RAGE Software’s ButtonDesign, follow these simple steps.

First, choose the button template that you want to use. Next, type in your button caption. This will be the text that will appear on the button.

Adjust the button’s width and zoom as you want it to be.

When you are done, click on the Export To Web Site button in the top right corner of the application.

Make sure the option to Save As HTML Button is selected. Select PNG as the Image Type, select the location to save the button, and then press the Save button.

Next, open up iWeb, and drag and drop the .PNG button onto the page you want to add it to. Move the button to your desired location.

With the button still highlighted, click on the Inspector button, and then go to the Links tab. You can now link the button to your desired destination.

Repeat this process for as many buttons as you want.

This is what an all button navigation menu looks like.

SEO For Sandvox: Site Menu

August 8th, 2011

To see the SEO For Sandvox Video Course in its entirety, visit the SEO For Sandvox Video Course page.

Video Transcript:

The site menu consists of all of these links, usually located at the top of each web page. The site menu is another good place for you to include some of your keyterms. So instead of having our menu links have text such as Home, Photos, or Links for example, we can make them more descriptive and include our keyterms in them.

To change the text of the site menu, you will need to change each page individually. Simply double click on the page name, and type in the term that you want to show in the site menu. You’ll be able to see the change take place immediately when you look at your site menu. Repeat this process for all of the pages included in your menu.

Some of the principles for the Page Names apply when you are naming the titles in your site menu. Do not make them too long. If you make the titles too long, it will not look very nice, and you risk having some of your page titles not fit in the menu. Try to use keyterms that are only one or two words in length.

Make sure that whatever you choose actually relates to the page it takes the user to, and that it is not a word that might confuse or mislead any of your visitors. Remember, in some cases, it might not be necessary to have a keyterm in the site menu. A link to a Contact Us page wouldn’t need to be any more descriptive than it already is, even though it’s a very generic term.

SEO For Sandvox: Page Names

August 4th, 2011

Check out the SEO For Sandvox Video Course to watch the entire course in a very easy-to-follow manner.

Video Transcript:It’s typical to see webmasters naming their page files with generic names such as ‘page1’ or ‘homepage’. Our goal is to utilize every option we have for incorporated our keywords into our website. Whenever you create a new page, make sure your file is given a keyword rich name.

If you already have pages with poor filenames but are actually successful with search engines, do not change the filename as this will ruin your ranking. Just be sure to apply this optimization tip in the future.

When we begin adding different pages for our sites in Sandvox, they will show up in our site outline with names such as Photo, Untitled 1, Untilted 2. These page names are a great place for us to include our keyterms. To change your page name, you can highlight the page in the site outline, and then in the URL field at the bottom of the application, type in your new page name. A few tips when creating this page name. Don’t make it excessively long. You can only make it a maximum of 27 characters in Sandvox, which should be good for about 4 or 5 words, which seems like a good amount. Separate your words with dashes, as opposed to spaces or underscores. And finally, use a keyterm that is relevant to the content on the actual page.

RAGE Software’s WebDesign 3.5: Click & Edit Inspector Feature

August 3rd, 2011

With the recent release of WebDesign 3.5, we are extremely excited to spread the word of WebDesign’s new Inspector feature, which allows users to click on areas of their site in the live side-by-side preview window, and automatically be taken to that part of the site in the code. The following video will demonstrate this great new feature, and show exactly how it works.

Video Transcript:

WebDesign now offers the all new inspector feature, which is a click and edit option using the live side-by-side previews. Here’s how it works.

Simply move your mouse cursor over certain areas of your site on the live preview. You will see how a red rectangle will appear over certain elements on the page.

If you click on any of these elements, it will highlight the code on the left side, making it very easy for you to edit each part of your website.

This feature makes it even easier for any user who is not all that familiar with HTML, but wants to quickly and easily edit a template.

WebDesign is now an even better option for users looking for alternate website builder to iWeb.

You can also click your navigation links, to be taken to the code for your navigation menus. If you want to change the text in the links on each page, then you can edit that right from within your page. BUT, if you want your navigation menu to appear the same on each of your pages, you will still need to edit the actual include file itself.

To do this, just open up the site manager, and open the include file that you want to edit, and make your changes there.

iWeb For Business: A Quick Start Guide

August 2nd, 2011

As most of us know, iWeb was intended for personal use, but its extremely friendly user interface and vast template selection has led many small-medium businesses to use it as their in-house solution for web design.

In this quick start guide, I am going to give users some great suggestions on the best ways to use iWeb for business purposes, and how our products and services can help you.

1) First and foremost, having a professional business domain name with a professional hosting company is a must. We still see many iWeb business sites have a address. While this may be good for a personal website, it can be a big mistake for a business site. Visit our hosting page and see how we can assist users with iWeb web hosting.

2) Getting listed in search engines often troubles many iWeb users. If you have an iWeb business site, this is certainly not going to help you get any new customers. The best way to get your site indexed in search engines is by creating an XML Sitemap. Think of an XML Sitemap as a blueprint of your website, designed specifically for search engines. It will list all of the pages on your site in an XML file. You can then publish this file and notify search engines of its existence. Some users have reported being indexed in search results within 24 hours of submitting their Sitemap. Sitemap Automator will allow you to quickly and easily do this. There is also an easy video tutorial to follow along with.

3) As mentioned earlier, iWeb was designed for personal use. So when using iWeb for business purposes, there are a few obstacles that we must overcome. One of which is the website’s search engine friendliness. This obstacle is pretty simple to overcome with our tool called iWeb SEO Tool. This tool will allow you to add many important items to your site, such as Title Tags, Page Descriptions, Alt Text for images, and analytical codes.

4) The speed at which your site loads can have an impact on where you rank in search results, as well as if your website visitors decide to hit the back button or not. If you notice that your site is loading at a slow rate, try out WebCrusher and see if it helps speed up your site. The simple drag and drop method will cut out the fat and make your site load much faster in user’s browsers.

5) Some users who visit a website buy a product or contact the business owner to conduct business. Some do, but most don’t. Stay in touch with the ones who don’t make a purchase by having a newsletter signup form on your site. You can build up your list and send out e-mails about new product launches, or sales, or whatever you want. MailShoot will allow you to easily embed a signup form by simply copying and pasting some code.

6) Using PayPal to sell your products is an easy way to launch your site quickly. You can follow this popular tutorial to see a step-by-step method for adding PayPal to an iWeb business site.

7) Everyone using iWeb for business purposes should do a complete search engine optimization makeover to their site. This includes everything from making the navigation menu search engine friendly, to creating great content, to adding headers and titles. You can learn everything you need to know about SEO For an iWeb site from the SEO For iWeb Walkthrough Video Tutorial.