Adding A Google Plus One Button To An iWeb Website

July 27th, 2011

This video tutorial will show you how you can easily add a Google Plus One (+1) button to your website in iWeb. For more SEO tips for your iWeb site, check out our SEO for iWeb Walkthrough Video Tutorial.

Video Transcript:

You might have noticed these +1 buttons next to your search results when in searching in Google. These buttons can tell Google that you like this link and essentially recommend it to all friends connected to you through Google’s new social networking service, Google+. When you plus one a link, and when someone connected to you does a similar search, any website you have +1’ed will appear at the top of the results for your friends. Your goal is to get as many people to +1 your website. In this video I am going to show you how you can add this button to your website in iWeb.

So to add a Google Plus One, first visit the Google Plus One page. You can pause this video to type in the URL you see here, or you can do a search for Google Plus One and click on the Google +1 button result.

Next, you will see a link on this page that says Get The Code. Click on that link.

On the next page, the first thing you will do is choose the size of the plus one button that you like best.  You can then select your language. Next, click on the Advanced Options button, and type in your URL, in the URL to +1 field. I have noticed that it is best to include http:// and www in this field.

Now we can highlight all of the code and copy it.

Open up your site in iWeb, and drag and drop an HTML Snippet onto the page. Paste the code that you just copied. You should now be able to see your Google Plus One button.  If you want to put the button on another page or pages of your website, then paste the code in another an HTML snippet on that page. If you want to leave the URL to your home page, you can do so, otherwise, you can add the page extension to the URL that is already typed in there.

If you paste the code and you don’t see anything at all, first, make sure you typed your URL in with http:// and www. You can also try publishing your site to the web to see if it becomes live once the site is published.

I just want to show you what happens when you either leave the URL field blank, or do not include http:// and www.

You will notice that the HTML Snippet shows up as this huge box which I am not dragging along with my mouse. I could minimize this box until it is the size of the the Plus One button, however, that can take me a while.  So just take note of these things if the button is not showing up for you.

Otherwise, that is how you add a Google Plus One button to an iWeb website. Be sure to check out our other helpful iWeb tips and tricks videos which are located in the SEO For iWeb Walkthrough Video Tutorial or our iWeb SEO blog.

How To Publish A WebCrusher Optimized Site To An FTP Client

July 19th, 2011

Although WebCrusher lets you publish your website directly to your FTP server some users want to use their own FTP client. If you like using an FTP client for publishing your website, you still have that option after you have run your site through WebCrusher. Follow the instructions in the video tutorial to learn how.

Video Transcript

To publish your WebCrusher optimized site using a third-party FTP client, follow these simple steps.

First, locate your optimized website folder by clicking Export, and selecting the Open Enclosing Folder tab. Then press the Next button, and your optimized website folder should appear in the Finder window.

Open your FTP client. For this demonstration, I am using CyberDuck which is a free FTP client which you can download from or the Mac App Store. Once your FTP login information has been entered, and you’ve connected to your server, locate the directory on your server that your website is associated with… and then drag and drop the optimized website folder into that directory. When your site has finished uploading, you can visit it and view the source code to make sure it has published correctly.

If your code looks tightly squeezed together like you see here, then you have published it properly.

Announcing The Release Of SEO For Sandvox and SEO For RapidWeaver: Available For FREE!

July 18th, 2011

We are extremely pleased to announce the release of two new video courses to our library of SEO video training courses.

The SEO For Sandvox and SEO For RapidWeaver video courses are now available at no cost to all Sandvox and RapidWeaver users, respectively.

In our effort to ensure all website owners are given the opportunity to learn search engine optimization (SEO) and how to apply it to their website correctly, these video courses will now give Sandvox and RapidWeaver users the ability to learn at their own pace, and have a much better understanding of ways of driving more traffic to their websites.

The SEO Video Courses will train users on the basics of search engine optimization, and give them step-by-step instructions on how to apply it to their site, taking away all of the guess work. Our instructions are based on Google’s recommendations for making a more search engine friendly website.

The courses go above and beyond, giving users additional how-to tips, as well as introducing RAGE Software applications, and showing users the benefits of using these applications to make your optimization process a lot smoother.

Get started optimizing your site today!

SEO For Sandvox Video Course

SEO For RapidWeaver Video Course

How To Publish To FTP In iWeb SEO Tool

July 13th, 2011

Earlier in 2011, we made a post/video about publishing a website to FTP in iWeb SEO Tool. We have recently updated that video to clear up some confusion that some users were having. The updated video is listed below for your viewing pleasure.

Video Transcript

This tutorial is going to strictly cover publishing a website to FTP using iWeb SEO Tool. We will cover all of the main points involved with publishing, and then we will discuss the biggest issue users have when publishing their website. That issue is the directory path.

I also want to quickly mention that there is a video tutorial that shows you how to check to see if your site has been published correctly using iWeb SEO Tool. This video can be found on our website, or our YouTube account.

So the first thing you will need to do is press the publish button, and then make sure Publish to FTP is selected, and then press the next button.

In the FTP field, here is where you will put your server address. Sometimes the server address may look like the one I have here, but more often than not, it will just be your domain. So if my domain were then that is what I would put in this field.

Do not include http, www, or ftp in this field. Just put your or .net or whatever the extension may be.

Your username and password must be accurate otherwise logging in will not work, and you will not be able to publish.

Next, I want everyone to check to see if you have all of your FTP login details entered in correctly. To do so, press the Browse button. If you are able to see files and folders like we see here, then you have logged in correctly. If you get an error similar to this, then your FTP information is incorrect. You must get the correct FTP information before proceeding to the next step.

Now we’re going to discuss the Directory Path field. This is the area where most users experience the most difficulty. Chances are, if you are watching this video, you need to enter something in this field.

Firstly, If you use RAGE Web Hosting, you should type in /public_html. For everyone else, please refer to the following method;

The first thing I want you to try to do, is publish your site in from iWeb SEO Tool by typing a forward slash in the Directory Path field. If that still doesn’t publish your site, refer to the next step.

What you want to do is open up iWeb, and go to the publish page of the website you want to publish in iWeb SEO Tool. Take a look at the current FTP information you already have. In the directory/path field, there may or may not be some text. If there is some text, I want you to copy it. If there is no text in there, don’t worry, just bear with me for a moment.

Go back to iWeb SEO Tool, and in the directory path field, paste the text you just copied. Make sure there is a forward slash at the beginning of this text.

This next step applies to everyone, even the users who did not have anything typed into the Directory Path field. Go back to the Publish page, and now copy the text that is in the Site Name field. Then go back to iWeb SEO Tool and paste this text beside the text we pasted earlier. If you didn’t paste any text earlier, then this will be the first time you are pasting anything into the Directory Path field. If you have multiple words in your site name, you will need to add underscores to separate each word. Underscores are the default word separator that iWeb adds to your site name.

Your site should publish properly now.

I want to make a note that this method should work for 95-99% of users. Since there are so many variations when it comes to publishing, some users may not achieve success using this method. For example, if you host multiple domains on one hosting account, or if you use our method for shortening your iWeb URL, this method might not work for you.

If this method does not work for you, submit a support ticket at and we will be happy to assist you. Be sure to include your FTP login details which includes your server address, username, and password, to help speed up the process.

iWeb SEO Tool: How To Tell If Your Site Has Been Published Correctly

July 11th, 2011

You can check to see if you published your website correctly from iWeb SEO Tool by visiting your website in your web browser, and going to View in the menu bar, and then selecting view source.

Then press Command and F to bring up the search feature, and type in the following:


If you see this code here, then it means you have published your site correctly from iWeb SEO Tool and all of your optimizations should be present.

If you do not see that code, then I want you to quit your browser, and re-launch it and visit your site and follow the previous steps again. If you still do not see that code, it means your site was not properly published from iWeb SEO Tool and you must try it again.

RAGE Software Loves Lion

July 11th, 2011

This is just a friendly reminder that all of our software is compatible with Apple’s newest version of OS X, Lion. If anyone has any suggestions for us, please don’t hesitate to send us a message through our support system and let us know!

MailShoot 2.2 Adds Easier Styled Text Newsletters

June 29th, 2011

MailShoot, our powerful newsletter and email management application has been updated to version 2.2.

MailShoot makes it extremely easy to create online subscription forms that lets your website visitors automatically sign up to your mailing list. Then you can send out personalized emails to each users at the click of a button. MailShoot lets you easily manage multiple mailing lists and send out targeted offers to the right customers.

MailShoot 2.2 makes it easier to create styled text and HTML newsletters. This means your emails look more professional and can attract more attention when your customers read your newsletter.

Download the free demo to try it out, or upgrade your registered version for free.

SEO Video Course – Splash Screens or Splash Pages

June 26th, 2011

Video Transcript

A splash screen or splash page, is usually the main page on a website, which consists of a large image, often with an Enter button. This is an example of a splash screen. A splash screen is something we want to avoid. Your main page is supposed to be one of the most important pages on your website. You should be including your most important links on your home page. Having just an image and no content does not give search engines a good indication of what your site is about.

SEO For RapidWeaver: Alternative Text

June 22nd, 2011

Video Transcript

The old saying of a picture is worth a thousand words is anything but true when it comes to search engines. For the time being, search engines cannot view an image and then know what keywords to associate them with. Instead, search engines rely on the webmaster to give an indication of what the image is about, via the alternative text feature.

In RapidWeaver, select an image, and then press the Media Inspector button. In the Alt Image field, type in your Alternative Text for your image. Remember to be descriptive, while not keyword stuffing. Avoid making your alt text misleading in any way.

Remember, try and include the keywords or phrases you have been using throughout your site while also keeping the text short, to the point, and relevant to the actual photo. Do this for all images you deem necessary to having alternative text. Do your best to avoid putting too many words in the alt text.

SEO For RapidWeaver: Header Tags

June 18th, 2011

Video Transcript

Another method of emphasizing your most important key-terms is by utilizing header tags. Header tags can be used in various ways on a website. They are sometimes used to display the title of a page, like the one you see here, or as the headings for content, similar to what you see here on this site. There are six different header tags in HTML. The most important header tag is said to be the h1 tag.

The situation with header tags in RapidWeaver is this: Currently, there is one H1 tag, and one H2 tag. These are located in the title…and slogan, respectively. The biggest downside to this is that the location of these headers make it kind of difficult for you to customize the header to fit each page. In addition, these headers are identical on every page of your website.

My recommendation is this: If the header tags don’t concern you all that much, then don’t worry about them. If you want to have a good consistent site title or slogan across all pages of your website, then do so. You could attempt to make this title or slogan include some good keywords, and that might be a good idea.

Here is an alternative to creating your own header tags. This method is going to have you not include anything in your title or slogan, which might look a bit strange on some templates, but very normal of some of the other templates.

This method really is optional. If you don’t want to do it, don’t feel that you have to. Not having your header tags as optimized as they can be will not completely ruin your chance at ranking high in search engines. The first thing you are going to do, is turn off the Title and Slogan, by pressing the Setup button, going to the General tab, and unchecking the boxes next to Title and Slogan. Then, in the RapidWeaver edit window, we’re going to create our H1 tag. To do this, type the code exactly as I am doing. Replace the word KEYWORD with your own keyword. Having just one H1 tag per page should suffice.

If you feel it is appropriate to do so, you can add an H2, or even H3 tag to your page the exact same way. So when it is appropriate to do so? The answer to that depends on a few different factors. The H1 tag should contain your most important, or primary keyterm. If your webpage touches upon things related to your other keyterms, then it may make sense to put another keyterm in an H2 tag. The one thing you need to ask yourself when adding these header tags is ‘does this help my visitors better understand my page?’ if the answer is ‘no,’ then you might be better off only including the H1 tag. Adding header tags just for the sake of SEO is not the right way to do it.