SERank 2.5 Adds Google Analytics Support
June 15th, 2011We have just released SERank 2.5, the most powerful search engine rank checker for Mac OS X. SERank 2.5 adds Google Analytics integration which shows you how much traffic keywords are actually sending to your website. It also includes many enhancements to the reporting features allowing for more detailed reports on how your search engine rankings have changed and which keywords are the most effective in bringing in new search engine traffic.
See How Much Traffic Each Keyword is Sending to Your Website
SERank connects your Google Analytics account with your search engine rankings to show you how many visitors each keyword is actually sending to your website. Now you can easily see which keywords are your most effective and which are not actually sending any traffic to your website.
Video Transcript
Connect your Google Analytics account to your copy of SERank to receive even more information about the traffic coming to your site.
Select SERank in the Menu bar, and click on Preferences. Select the Google Analytics tab, and enter your username and password. Then press the Authenticate button.
Then find the URL you want to check, and select that URL’s respective Profile under the Account heading.
Choose how far back you want to receive visitor data for. Selecting Rank Check would give you the data during the period between now and your last rank check. For this example, let’s choose 90 days.
Now we’ll run our search like we normally would, except when we bring up the Check Rankings window, make sure to select the option for Getting Google Analytics Visitor Data.
I’ll just fast forward through the search process so we can take a look at the results.
In the keyword section, you will see a number under visitors for each keyword. This number represents the total number of visits to the site from this keyword for all search engines for the time period you selected.
The number under the visitors heading in the rank results section shows the number of visitors for each keyword for the specific search engine. So for example, you can see that the term Apptorial has 77 visitors in total, and if we look under Google we can see there have been 74 visits from there, and the remaining 3 visits came from Yahoo which we see at the bottom here.
So you can use this feature to determine which keywords are providing you with a lot of traffic, and which ones aren’t. Then it might be a good idea to re-evaluate your keyword strategy based on your findings. For example, if you rank highly for a key-term that is bringing in a small amount of visitors, it could be a good idea to replace that key-term in certain areas on your site with a more highly searched key-term.